Lost Memories

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My heart stopped as I looked at the man who stood in front of me, realizing that he was not the person I once knew, he was a whole different being. His blank stare and uncaring emotion was nothing like the lively Royce that I knew. He looked the same but he seemed like a stranger, a man that I have never seen in my life.

"Relationships between students here is forbidden so I must ask you to refrain from coming into physical contact with others." Royce said with a cold gaze.

I was startled by his reply and stared at him unsure if I should be happy to be able to see him, or if should be sad that the man I was falling for, completely forgot about who I was.

"r-right, sorry." I said looking at him trying to find even the slightest emotion in him. There was none. At this point any emotion would be fine, whether it be sad or happy.

"If you have any questions you may ask me." Royce said.

I said nothing. I didn't have any questions about this place because right now I didn't care. The questions I had involved Royce and why he changed so much. I wanted to ask him about what had happened to him, why he had disappeared, if he still loved me. But I can't ask someone who has forgotten everything, someone who has forgotten me.

The atmosphere between us was cold and silent. Royce stared strait through me waiting for me to ask him any questions that I might have. I hurriedly tried to think of something to say while stumbling over my thoughts. The silence between us grew wider until he finally spoke.

"If you don't have any questions, then I shall take my leave now." He said while turning around. Oh no I got to stop him.

"Wait!" I exclaimed. He froze and turned around.

"Yes?" He asked. Crap, I don't know what to say. He stared at me for a few moments, and as I said nothing he turned around and began to leave once again. I watched silently as he walked away this time.

Once he wasn't in sight I walked back into my room and lied down on my bed. My chest began to hurt like my heart was being squeezed and crushed. I could feel my head spinning as tear began to build up inside me. I placed my arm over my eyes to cover them up as I cried.

I don't know which is worse, not being able to see the one you love, but remembering that they love you, or to see the one you love, and realize that the person you remembered, has disappeared forever. Either way, it didn't matter, my heart still ached. Loving someone who no longer exists is a very painful thing that has been making me suffer. I'm beginning to wonder, is it worth it? Maybe love is something I don't need because love is optional, not required.

I heard a phone ringing and looked around to find where it was coming from. I found the phone on the table and picked it up. The caller ID didn't have a name or number. Should I pick it up? I waited for it to go to voice mail until I heard the voice of who was calling.

"Ellie! It's me, Andrew! Pick up the phone!" Yup, that's definitely Andrew, I can tell by his stuck up, demanding attitude. I sighed and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said in a questioning voice, wondering why he called.

"Yo. I saw your friend pass by me in the hall way, did you see him?" Andrew asked.

"...." I said nothing for a few moments "Yeah.." I said in a quite voice.

"From your reaction I can tell something happened, so I will be a good person and let you tell me what happened." Andrew said in a small joking tone.

"Even if you ask me, i'm not sure exactly what happened. Its hard to explain, he is different now." I didn't want to say that he forgot about me because somewhere, in the back of my mind I still hoped it wasn't true. For a few moments Andrew said nothing.

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