How's This For A Wake Up Call?

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The cold, early morning air, chilled my face as I woke up next to Aron. The sun had just started to rise- meaning we would have to go soon. I was tired, but I knew better to not sleep in. I sat up, sitting for a moment with a sullen look on my face. I'd see Royce soon. Not only him, but Holly as well. Part of me yearned for our meeting, the other part rejected it- afraid that i'd have to see him with Holly walking down an isle...afraid that I'd have to watch him love another girl other than me.

"Morning sunshine." Aron said as he looked up at me. A partial smile formed on my lips as his bright one shined back.

"Get ready, we're leaving soon." I said.

Wait a second- I glanced at myself, realizing I was now in human form, and more importantly, naked.

I panicked and grabbed onto the sheets while stumbling onto the floor.

Aron, who was half awake, was now completely alert.

"Ellie! Are you okay?!" He said while jumping out of bed.

My face was flushed with red, and after a moment of realization, so was his.

"You're.. In human form now" he said both embarrassed and happy.

"L-look away!" I yelled while throwing a pillow, that had fallen of the bed with me, at him

"Sorry! I didn't see anything, I promise!" he said as he turned around. I stood up and wrapped myself in the sheet.

What do I do? I don't have any clothes..
I looked at Aron, making sure he wasn't peeking at me, and noticed him taking off his shirt.

"Here" he said while handing his shirt to me and covering his eyes.

"T-thanks" I said while trying not to stare at his bare chest.

I slipped his shirt on quickly, not wanting to waste time. His shirt was big enough to be a dress on me and it made me feel small. It still contained his warmth and his scent lingered on it.

"You hungry?" Aron asked.

"A little I guess." I replied while putting the sheet back on the bed.

"Wait here, I'll go get us some food."

I looked at him worried.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving you so just wait here." he said while ruffling up my hair and leaving out the door.

After Aron left, I sat down on the edge of the bed. We can't waste anymore time... If Elliot is in a car, it won't be long until he realizes which way we went and catches up to us. Stress, worry, and anxiety built up inside me as I waited impatiently.

What do I even plan to do when I see Royce? Tell him I love him and get rejected again? Tell him Holly isn't the one for him and have him ignore me? I really don't know what I'm going to do... What if I see holly and go berserk again? What if I go on a rampage and get killed? Or taken in for more testing? What am I going to do then?

I paced back and forth in the room to help release some of the pent up tension.

"Deep breathes Ellie" I kept repeating to myself. I felt restless and anxious. I couldn't seem to keep my body calm and mind at ease. I threw myself into the bed and covered my face with my hands.

"Everything will be okay." I kept telling myself.

Aron suddenly came in which startled me and made me jump up.

"Woah, calm down, it's just me" he said as he came in carrying bacon, eggs, and toast along with some orange juice.

"Isn't that such a typical and cliché breakfast" I mumbled to myself with a small smile.

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