chapter three; may 30th.

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sometimes crying means
letting go
sometimes the only way
to empty yourself of a person
is to shed tears.
-r.h sin.


I woke up early as hell due to the contractions that were coming. I groaned getting out of the bed and looked to my side. Daniel was knocked out acting like he couldn't hear the pain I was in. I rolled my eyes and wobbled towards the steps. And the struggle begins here at this moment.

"One step at a time, Zonnique." I mumbled to myself, slowly walking down the steps. It felt like my insides were being crushed every time I moved. Just as I was approaching the last few steps, I felt like I was going to tumble over and fall. "DANIEL! COME HELP ME!" I shouted hopping that he heard me.

"I'm sleeping! Damn." He responded back. My heart dropped out of my chest once I heard what he said. All I asked for was help and I get nothing. I control the tears that started streaming down my cheeks.

I wiped them and breathed in and out while struggling to go down the last few steps. By the time I got down the the steps I was tired all over again. Slowly, I walked into the living room and laid down on the couch. Hopefully by the time I wake back up the pain goes away.


"Zonnique! Where you at? And why ain't there no food on the table." I head Daniel's voice echo throughout the house and immediately started to get annoyed as I woke up from my sleep. He walked into the living room and looked at me. "Hello? Earth to you. Food?"

"You know how to make your own breakfast. If anything you should be making me breakfast again. You aren't the one with swollen ankles." I rolled my eyes at him and tried getting comfortable again on the couch.

He shook his head. "Well I'm not cooking, I'll just pick up something on the way to the studio. Oh yeah, what did you need earlier?"

"Nothing, I needed nothing. Since your going to the studio can you pick Kaycee up from my moms?"

"Nah, I gotta be focused today. I can't have her running around the studio."

Here we go with his many excuses. To him it doesn't seem like I'm seven months pregnant, looking like I'm going to pop at any given second. I'm sure all he sees is a fat lady, that's it. "I have schoolwork that needs to be done. I can't watch her and do my work at the same time."

"Yes you can. You've done it before, remember?"

"Daniel. Please get the fuck out of my face!" I was annoyed and fed up with the excuses. Yesterday he decided on sucking up to me just so today he can pull this shit again. I stood up from the couch and walked past him into the kitchen. "You want me to do every fucking thing. YOU AREN'T EVEN HERE TWENTY  FOUR SEVEN!" I shouted while I grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet and cereal from the counter.

He chuckled and walked into the kitchen behind me. "Really, Zo? As I told you before in order for us to provide a good life for the you, Kaycee and the baby I have to work. Don't I make sure y'all straight? You shouldn't have shit to bitch about."

I poured cereal into the bowl and grabbed some milk from the fridge also putting it in the bowl. "That doesn't mean that you can't help out around here, Daniel."

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