chapter seven; june 6th.

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truth is you're not okay. but you will be.
you'll hold on but you'll let go.
it'll be difficult but you'll do it.
you're feeling weak but be strong.
-r.h sin.


one week later. 

"Aubreyyyy!!" I yelled from inside of my room. Today was the day of my baby shower and I didn't feel cute of any of the clothes I tried on.

He walked into the room with a concerned facial expression. "What's wrong? You okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine." I nodded my head with a slight smile. "So we're going to be headed to the private beach area around twelve at least. I know I'm going to be late though."

"Everything will be setup in advance to your late arrival that way people could eat instead of sitting around waiting on you." He chuckled and then stopped. "Have you checked in with Daniel?"

I knew this question was bound to come up at some point of the time. I shook my head and looked down at my phone. "He hasn't checked or been concerned with me and Kaycee for a whole week. I don't see what's the point of telling him to come."

"You still should tell him, just give it a try. Trying won't hurt anything and if he don't come you still gon' be straight regardless."

I sighed and unlocked my phone going to his contact information.

zi&kay's father: baby shower today at twelve come if u want.

"It's sent now all I have to do is feed Kaycee and see if my shorty can make it also." I smiled and stood up from the bed.

"And I'm going to go help setup things, so see ya' in a few sis." He kissed my forehead and walked out. I followed him into the hallway and walked into Kaycee's room.

She was wide awake watching Finding Nemo for the 100th time. "Morning princess. You ready to start the day?"

"Yes, mommy!" She jumped up off the bed and walked out the door and into the kitchen first.

I swear she's always hype to do things with me which is what I love most. I wobbled behind her and started making breakfast while she sat at the table. Unfortunately, I wasn't extremely good at making breakfast so cereal and toast it was.

"Mommy? Is daddy coming back today? So we can go back home?"

I still haven't told Kaycee that he wouldn't be coming home for a while or the fact that we'd be staying with my brother until the baby is born. How do you tell your child she won't be seeing her father for months? She wouldn't understands why he left and it'd crush her little heart. "I don't know, baby. But he'll be back soon hopefully." I placed the bowl of cereal in front of her. "But, Harley and Mr. Bryson are coming!"

Her face lit up like a light. "YAY! I can't wait to see my bestfriend."

I chuckled and started to eat my breakfast, hopefully everything goes perfectly as I planned it to be.


I adjusted the skirt up on my waist and then fixed my bikini top. I checked my phone once more to see if he would've texted back but, he didn't. Not going my to stress about him not coming. Aubrey came back and got Kaycee so I didn't have to worry about getting her into the car. I walked out of my room, grabbed my keys and walked straight outside. I got into my car and pulled off in the direction of the beach.


I arrived and parked in the parking area. The music was loud and there was a bunch of people walking around. I smiled at the sight and got out of my car walking over to the area. People walked up to me giving me hugs and saying congratulations. India walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"You look good mamas. But, that belly is stealing the show." She chuckled as she pulled away.

I placed my hand on my stomach. "I know right? He tends to steal people's heart before he's even born."

"And he already got his first wife, which is me. Have you heard from Daniel though? I'd expect for him to at least come and show his face."

"I don't care if he comes or not. It's not like he's going to stay anyways." I shrugged.

"You've got a point there." She nodded in agreement. "Oh, look! There's Bryson and Harley." She waved over at them catching their attention as they walked over to us.

Bryson and I met from Aubrey believe it or not. They were in the middle of recording a few tracks when I came and was in tears. Bryson was there to comfort me that day and I've been his friend ever since. "Hey, Zo!" He gave me a hug from the side.

"Hey Bry! And hey Harley. India could you take her to Kaycee?" I asked.

She nodded and grabbed Harley's hand. "I'll talk to you a little later."

I nodded and then turned my attention back to Bryson. He handed me a decorated bag which looked perfect. "It's a couple of gifts in there. We tried getting things you would like for the baby."

I took the bag from him and smiled. "Thank you! I appreciate it. I really need to sit down so you wanna come with me?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, let's go." He chuckled also and we walked over to where the seating area was. I sat down on the throne like chair and looked out at everyone. Everything was going great except for the fact him not being here.


"Now, let's get to opening the gifts for today's queen!" Bryson and Aubrey announced together and brought over all the gifts.

"Woah. I wasn't expecting all of this stuff really." I laughed which was followed by everyone else laughing along with me. Before I could open the first gift I heard my phone going off. I grabbed it and seen a bunch of messages from Daniel.

from; zi&kay's father
not coming to anything! u jst gone have 2 b alone, srry. probably won't b there 4 the birth either. u'll b a great mom. sending the gift in the mail.

It took everything in me to not break down and cry in front of everyone. But, I don't think that actually worked. I didn't notice the tears that were coming down my cheeks. I stood up without saying anything to anyone and quickly walked back to my car. I unlocked the car doors and got in. The tears started to come out of my eyes quicker and I felt my heart being crushed into pieces again. Never loving anyone else again.


sorry it's a little boring, the really interesting stuff happens around chapter nine. /:

🤔; how do you feel about that text though?
🤔; do you think it was right for her to even invite him after he left?

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