chapter sixteen; two months later.

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now you coming back, second chance.
fuck all that. you gave her what we had.
-remember, jhenè aiko.



As much as I tried to enjoy the little relaxation time, I knew it was about to come to an end very quickly. I peeked one eye open and attempted to fall back asleep but, the screaming babies and Kaycee had other plans. I sighed and lifted myself out of the bed. I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to Zion and Logan's room. I walked straight to Zion's crib first only because, he was my main priority. Due to the amount of stress I was in along with the painful fall I took, he was born with a  congenital heart disease

He was the first to come out and that's when doctors realized there was something wrong with his breathing. The disease had been undetected my whole pregnancy which was pretty sad. I picked him up carefully and held him in my arms, rocking him back and forth. His cries calmed down and I just looked into his eyes. I didn't notice that Bryson had came in and stopped Logan from crying. Bryson walked over to me and looked at him also. 

"His color is starting to show, he isn't so blue like he was." He said, while rocking Logan back in forth in his arms. 

I nodded, agreeing with him. "I think today I'm finally going to take them outside so they can get some fresh air. Plus, I know Kaycee is probably going to want to get some more toys." I chuckled. 

"But can you shower without them screaming and crying babe?"

"I'm just going to have them in the bathroom with me. You know? I'm super mom." 

He laughed and shook his head. "I think Logan wants a boob, she searching and it ain't nothing here. And since we're going out you need to make some bottles, I'll take care of getting Kaycee and Harley ready." 

"Baby, the girls have a play date set. Remember?" I raised my right eyebrow at him and slightly laughed as he started to remember. "Well let me feed my babies and then we'll be ready." I grabbed Logan from him and placed her in my other arm. 

"I love you." He smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"I love you more." I replied with a smile and then walked out, heading back into my bedroom. I placed Zion down in the white bassinet that was next to my bed. I got in the bed with Logan still in my hands and then laid her on my lap once I had got comfortable. Luckily for me I had a bottle right on the bed stand. I grabbed it and gave it to her while I tilted her head up a bit. She's only a month old and knows how to hold her bottle. That's crazy. 

While she was practically feeding herself, I grabbed my phone and scrolled down Instagram. A familiar face popped up on the screen, I clicked the video and watched it play. It was Daniel, no surprise there really it was just the fact I had forgotten what he looked like. He hasn't came and seen the babies at all. So, it was kind of like they didn't have a father but Bryson stepped in to help. Although, Bryson and I are dating I didn't want him to feel the need to play step daddy. He has enough on his plate already but, he insisted on doing this. 

Logan finished her bottle and I burped her. Once I heard that burp I laid her down on the bed in front of me. She looked like me and Zion looked smack like Daniel. "You's a pretty girl, aren't ya?" 

She let out a giggle along with slob, showing her gummy gums. I smiled at the sight. "We're gonna go out today and get you some more clothes and things. But first, mommy has to shower right now." 

I got up off the bed and picked her up, holding her in my hands. I walked over to the pink bassinet and put her in it and gave her, her pacifier. I wheeled both bassinets inside of the bathroom so that they were facing the shower. Perfect. 

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