Livia: Complicated Angel

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Heyy this is my first time posting on wattpad. And this is book 1 of The Complicated Series. So do comment all u want and if it's good, vote pleasee:) Hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 1

"Livia, you can open your eyes now," Jadrien whispered, releasing his arms around me. I opened my eyes and wiped the leaking tears off my cheeks. I loosened my grip off his familiar white jacket.

"That was one horrible trip! I feel like vomiting and I can't seem to stop crying. To think i had actually missed coming down to Earth!" I grumbled, looking around. I stopped in my tracks, amazed at the beautiful structures of Blackwood High. It has been years since Jadrien and I had came down to Earth, and honestly, Earth had changed so much.

I noticed some students looking at us, whispering and I knew why. As angels, our beauty was what makes us stand out from the crowd.

My long silky brown hair fell in a shimmery mass down my back. Dressed in a blue hoodie dress with black pumps, I made my way through the entrance with Jadrien trailing behind.

The vibrancy that Earth always held was breathtaking, and this fact had never changed. Its colours made it less difficult to miss the bright glows of The Above. Yet there is one thing that I never truly understood about Earth and that is, why humans would dye their hair and wear thick makeup when really, every single one of them were beautiful. On Earth, it is really very hard to find the naturals. The ones whom truly embraced the beauty that they were born with. The beauty that made them beautiful.

Sighing, I looked around and there leaning against my locker was a willowy girl with light brown eyes and strawberry blond hair held back with a blue satin ribbon. A natural beauty.

She swept her bangs from her face and tilting her head, she smiled," You must be Livia Winters. I am Janessa Becks and you are in the same class as me!"

The corners of my mouth twitched in a beginning of a smile as I admired her outgoing character. I looked behind me, realizing that Jadrien was no longer behind me. Janessa handed me my class schedule and hooked her arm around mine.

I was shocked by her sudden touch and stiffened a little. But Janessa did not seem to notice and continued pulling me along with her. We entered a classroom and was immediately greeted by a booming loud voice, so loud that I winced a little.

"Miss Becks! Go and take your seat. And now, you must be Miss Livia Winters!" Mr. Jacobs stopped short and looked at me, nodding his head.

"You don't look like a naughty one," He smiled in approval, jerking his head towards the table to the right.

Glassy doll-like eyes gazed up at me as I sat down. I noticed Janessa waving frantically at me, smiling widely. I turned away from her and smiled secretly. How interesting humans are these days...

I caught the blonde girl sitting beside me watching my face expectantly. I felt my cheeks begin to color as she flipped her hair and in a low voice, she said," Hello, I am Victoria Anne. Just call me Tori. Well, count yourself lucky to be part of The Vampix. We all are so pleased to have you in our clique."

She whispered into my ear," We know all about you."

I stared at her, confused. It was as if she knew I was coming, as if she knew what I was. Tori looks at me for a few seconds and sighs, leaning forward to put her hand on my knee, "You are invited to my party this Saturday. I expect to see you there."

She smiled, looking into my eyes with a smug, self-satisfied look on her face as i nodded my head.

She took out a piece of paper from her bag and scribbled down her address and number, handing it to me. She wagged her fluffy pink pen in front of my face and settled back into her seat, tucking her legs underneath her. She stared deep into my eyes again and said, her voice softer and quieter, "One day, Livia, you'll understand that there was a reason why we became friends."

I opened my mouth to speak but it was as if I was unable to speak when Tori gives me that dazzling smile of hers. She sat back and winked," You will."

I shook my head and turned to look out of the window. In my sub consciousness and to think time passed so fast, I heard the bell ring. I picked up my books and almost dropped them when I felt Tori's unnaturally cold grip against my arm.

I had no choice but to follow Tori. Behind me, I saw Janessa open her mouth and making hand gestures in bewilderment, she shook her head and walked away.

Noticing Jadrien leaning against my locker, I turned to Tori and said," I will find you at your table."

She nodded, heading off towards the cafeteria. Jadrien looked up and seeing me, his mouth curved into a wide smile, showing bright teeth and a charming set of dimples.

"Now I know how much you want to hang around with the humans in your time here but Liv, I want you to remember that you have an important mission," Jadrien said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear, an affectionate gesture that made me tingle at my fingertips.

I touched his arm and said," I have to go. See you after school."

He reached and grabbed my forearm, pulling me into his arms as he whispered, "Be careful, Liv. I don't want to see you get hurt like the last time."

I understood what he meant. The last time we were on Earth, I had almost gotten myself killed and that had worried Jadrien a lot. He had rushed me back to The Above, murmuring prayers the entire time I was being treated. which really just shows how much he loved me.

On Earth, we were more prone to injuries, only under natural light would we be able to heal. That makes us somewhat different from vampires. I mean, of course we are. Vampires are really scary creatures and it was our duty to keep the humans safe and unaware from this danger.

I rested a hand on his chest and pushed him a little, aware of the murmurs around us. His arms loosened, dropping to his sides. I tiptoed and leaned forward, my lips beside his ear as I whispered, "Don't worry. I'll be alright."

He smiled and waved me off towards the cafeteria. I scanned the lunch crowd and watched as Tori walked towards me, stroking her hair in front of her shoulders. She motioned for me to stand beside her and announced, "Here's our newest member, Livia!"

With that cold grip of hers on my shoulders, she started introducing me to the guys and girls. Cornelia Sylvia was a tall thin girl with sleek black hair in a purple minidress and gold stilettos. She had her head back with her long legs dangling. She did not look up, only wriggling her fingers at me.

Mae Anne was a petite blonde with a perfectly oval face and dark blue eyes that appeared deep in thought. Her rosiness reminded me of a girl in a painting i have seen a few years ago.

The sturdy, rose-brown girl with a pixie cut and beautiful hazel eyes was Gabrielle Montez, whom started introducing me to the guys.

"That's Devon Howard. That is Robert Parker, but just call him Rob. And..." Cornelia interrupted, raising her head, "And this is Martin Loise, my boyfriend. He's mine, so back off," she said, smiling.

I returned the grin as Mae hooked her arm around mine, laughing, I turned my head and could not help but stare at Devon. He is tall and good-looking in a cool, withdrawn kind of way. And it was those eyes that made me stare at him in awe. Those piercing blue eyes.

He cocked his head to the side and caught my gaze, holding it there. When he blinked, I turned away, touching my cheeks to feel its warmth. My eyes widened.

Why was I blushing?

Livia: Complicated Angel (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now