Jadrien is now Livia's enemy

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That's Nina Dobrev as Livia winters, guys:)

I stood there, the ache in my chest dissolving into angry tears. I swallowed hard and kept my eyes down, blinking back the tears that were burning at the corners before running into my room, slamming the door shut before climbing into my bed.

Why doesnt he understand me? This was not what I wanted either, so why cant he understand that?

I sobbed harder, clutching my pillow tightly to my chest. With swollen eyes still brim with tears, I climbed out of bed, grabbing a jumper and a sweatshirt before stepping into the cold shower. Water beating down against my back, I felt the tears coming down again, anger surging inside me.

I stepped out of the shower, pulling at the hem of the gray sweatshirt. My stomach growled and even as I munched on a sandwich, I still felt hungry. Whatever i was eating was tasteless.

That was when my senses heightened as I stepped outside. I felt my fangs peeking out from my lips when I smelled human blood two yards away from where I was standing.

I forced myself to turn away, trying to block that strong smell but I still ran and instantly, I realised I was watching a tall dark-hooded man stabbing a shorter guy. Blood trickled down his forehead, scarlet framing his lips. The dark-hooded man just laughed in satisfaction, laughing at the guy who was now hunched over and moaning in agony. I might even vomit if I looked on any further.

I could feel anger boiling in my soul as I marched towards him, snatching away the knife from his hand in a flash. I caught sight of the blood that stained the knife and lifted it to my lips, licking in satisfaction. Heavens, this tasted so good.

The man stared up at me in fear, his eyes darting around desperately.

Hunger overtooked my body and I grabbed ahold of the back of his shirt when he turned to escape.  I slammed his body onto the wall, ignoring his constant pleas as I leaned in, my fangs sinking into the soft flesh of his neck. Delicious...I moaned as the sweet liquid succumbed to my hunger. I let out a primal scream, wiping a trickle of blood from my mouth. And then, I stopped.

No...what have I done? I backed a step away from him and watched as his eyes rolled back in his head and slumping forward, he crashed to the ground with a loud thud.

" No.." I choked out, my voice so high and desperate that it barely sounded like my own. I stared at my hands, shaking my head. I just murdered someone...

I felt a tap against my shoulders and turned around to see Devon, a wicked grin quirks his mouth as he flashes his fangs, smirking," I see, our little angel does have the devil in her."

Anger gripped me, erasing any last traces of fear. I glowered at him, rolling my eyes," Get lost, Devon. You'll pay for what you did to me!"

I punched his chest but he caught my fist before turning me around to pin me against the wall. He leaned in, so close that we were nose to nose," That tasted good right? Admit it, you can't wait to drink more."

I turned my head away from him, only to see the bloody sight of that poor man. The man I murdered...

"I hate you," I sputtered, not meaning to but it really felt good saying it out loud to his face.

Devon only chuckled, reaching out to tuck a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. That familar gesture reminded me of Jadrien and it took all of me to not cry in front of Devon.

But I still did.

"You don't know how much this ruined my life. Jadrien...he left me! He really left me..." I sobbed, kneeling down to cover my tearful face. A part of me felt uncomfortable with the state I was in, especially in front of Devon.

That was why it surprised me when he hugged me. I felt his cold breath against my hair as he sighed.

"It's okay. You still have me, angel," he whispered, rocking me in his arms. My fingers grazed his and I felt his other hand running his fingers through my hair. Immediately, I pulled away.

" Go to hell!" I spat at him, twisting out of his grasp and turned to face him. After everything that have happened, he still cannot change the fact that he was the one to change me. He could have refused or change his mind but he probably did not know that this just screwed everything up. And that made me mad.

I smiled at him, as fake and sweet as saccharin, and walked away, saying," It's all your fault."


I slided my tray onto Tori's lunch table, sitting down with my arms crossed," Talk."

Tori swivels her head to look at me and her sleek blonde hair swings and falls right back into place, just below her shoulders as she glanced at the others before whispering," Follow."

She turned on her heels and walked away. I raised my eyebrows at her before grabbing my tray to follow her with the others. As we left the cafeteria and headed towards the classrooms, I pulled Mae's loose yellow shirt before asking her," Mae, do you have an extra room back at home?"

Mae looked at me, her springy blond curls bouncing up and down," Well. I'm kinda living with Tori. But, there is an extra bed beside Hailey's bed. I'll ask Tori."

I turned to realise we had entered into one of the empty classrooms. I caught Devon staring at me and turned away.

Tori leaned back in her seat, placing her feet on the table in front of her. She tapped her perfectly manicured nails on the seat next to her, gesturing for me to sit down and when I did, she started talking. Her smile faded into a frown as she smoothed down her blond hair.

" Firstly, you should know what we all are. Devon, Cornelia, Rob and I are pureblood vampires. Martin, well, he was made a vampire by Cornelia."

We looked at Cornelia sharing a secret smile with Martin, her hand around his. I quickly looked away, not wanting to be reminded of Jadrien.

Tori continued," Gabrielle came from a line of made-vampires, making her one of us. As for Mae, she's a psychic."

Tori reached out to pat Mae's head and her ponytail slid over her shoulders as she tilted her head to one side and said," I can astral project and view future events. I am the one that had a vision that a new girl was coming and she would help us with something big. That's you, Livia. But we didnt know that you would be an angel."

I was surprised by what she was saying. There was something special about Mae's voice. It was strangely soft and soothing. No wonder she was a psychic.

Wait, does that mean...

Mae shook her head emphatically, sending a wave of thick golden hair swinging back and forth.

" Yes Livia, you got it wrong," she said with a smile, a faraway look on her face.

I let her words settle in for a moment and sighed in embarrassment. So it was never Devon's fault at all. As much as I did not want to admit it, I was in the wrong.

A wry smile turned at the corners of his lips as I apologised to him in front of everyone," At least I know what this is all about now. I'm sorry for blaming you, Devon."

I watched as he walked over in long strides, enveloping me in his arms. For a moment, I felt my heart flutter, like it always does when I was with Jadrien.

Thx for reading!! Comment and vote if u like:)

Livia: Complicated Angel (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now