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Faeries were a rare creature to come upon in the wizarding world. They mostly stuck to themselves, and stayed in their homes. Whether it be in the trees, or in the water, the Faeries never really strayed far from their home. So, if you were able to see a Faery, consider yourself lucky. But, you may also have seen a Faery, without even knowing it.

Faeries are small, about ten inches tall, when they want to be. They could also be the size of a normal person like you or me. They could blend into the background and wouldn't even realize they were there.

Most people hunted down Faeries, which is why you rarely see them. Not that the hunters succeeded, no, of course not. Those hunters are probably lost somewhere in the forests or dead. The Faery may seem friendly, and they are. But if they're threatened you will not go back home.

Faeries are ruthless when angered, so if you do spot one, it'd be in your best interest not to anger it.

But enough of me telling you about the Faery. You should already know this, or you will soon. See, you learn about Faeries and their magic in your fifth year of Hogwarts in Care of Magical Creatures, or in your second year during Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Most of the Hogwarts students ignore the lecture about Faeries and how dangerous, or kind, or powerful they can be. They can only picture a small blonde, with small wings, in a green dress. They think of a friendly little creature that is small than a ruler. Couldn't harm a fly, friendly to everyone, type of deal.

Well, they couldn't be more wrong.

I already told you Faeries can be friendly, yes.

But I also told you that when angered, you will never be seen again.

And now, I'm telling you that Faeries are easily angered.

Which is the exact reason as to why very few people have seen them.

But, that's not true.

Plenty of people have seen a Faery, just not as many live to tell the tale.

You see, Faeries are very prestigious, and well mannered. If you aren't kind or well mannered to a Faery or you are rude even in the presence of a Faery. You will never been seen again.

If you are kind, and caring, and well mannered. The you may survive your encounter with one.

What most people don't seem to grasp, is that hundreds of thousands of people have seen a Faery. Whether it be light or dark, earth or water, they have seen one. It's just they insulted it, said something wrong, or looked at it in a funny way, and angered it.

They angered a Faery and were never seen again.

Faeries like kind, polite, and well mannered people. If you have one of those traits you may survive, if you have all three, you'll survive, get a picture and write a book. But, sadly, only a few people have all three traits. One of them being Nicholas Flamel.

Nicholas met a Faery for the first time when he was just shy of six hundred years old. Said she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He said she wore a colorful feathered headdress and her golden blonde hair fell down to her waist form beneath it. She had large bright blue eyes and porcelain ski. On her back was a pair of thin translucent wings and she wore a magnificent purple dress as sandals adorned her feet.

She claimed her name was Gretel, and she agreed to let Nicholas take a picture of her in both her forms.

As a Faery.

And as a somewhat human.

When she looked like a human she has cascading golden hair, porcelain skin, bright blue eyes and pointed ears. Her headdress along with her wings had vanished when she transformed.

She also showed Nicholas a little bit of her magic before she transformed back into a Faery and flew off.

But this story isn't about Gretel and Nicholas, so let's move on from that.

This story is about a different Faery.

A different witch.

A different place and a different time.

This is the story about a young naïve Faery named Eve.

This is the story about a young courageous witch named Lily.

This is the story about a Faery and a witch.

Aren't you interested?




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Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now