Chapter Thirteen

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Without Lily around, Eve had gotten lonely fairly quickly. She still had her friends in the Forbidden Forrest like Emitt, but she wanted a friend who wasn't a Faery to spend time with, because letters to Lily weren't cutting it.

So, one day in the middle of July, Eve left her small home in the trees of the Forest, and wandered onto the Hogwarts grounds. They seemed so quiet and empty without the students running around or relaxing in the sunlight. Eve was so caught up in the scenery and the nostalgic feeling from the days during school that she almost missed the person running into her.

The Faery quickly side-stepped the person, and just grazed the woman's arm, but the mysterious woman ran with enough force to knock the Faery down.

"Merlin, I am so sorry!" The youthful woman said smiling apologetically down at Eve.

Eve let out a small groan before getting to her feet.

"What are you doing here?" The woman asked as her chocolate eyes looked over Eve to make sure she was okay from the short fall, "I thought school was over."

"It is," Eve stated as she brushed down her dress.

"Then why are you here?" The woman frowned brushing her chocolate locks away from her eye.

"Because I live here," Eve said getting annoyed with the woman's questions.

"In Hogwarts?"

"No, for Imogen's sake, the bloody twenty questions!" Eve said throwing her hands up in the air. Okay, so Lily may be rubbing off on her a little bit. Just a little bit, "I live in the Forest you bimbo."

The woman frowned at Eve, "I was just curious as to why a fifteen year old girl was wandering around Hogwarts in the middle of the summer! And you live in the Forest? Why?"

"Because that's where my house is!" Eve yelled at the woman, completely and utterly annoyed with her, and she started to feel the black seep into the whites of her eyes, "Bloody hell, I didn't know it was that hard to understand!"

"Wha' is goin' on here!" Eve heard a familiar voice shout from not far behind the duo. Eve and the mystery woman turned to face Hagrid as he drew closer, "Eve? Thelma?"

"Hello, Hagrid," Eve said kindly as Thelma smiled at the half-giant.

"Hiya, Ruby," she said walking up to him and stepping on her tippy toes to give him a peck on the cheek, "How are you?"

"I'm good," Hagrid said with a smile as heat rose to his cheeks, "How 'bout you? How yeh bin?"

"I've been doing well," Thelma said with a giant smile, "I saw a Chinese Fireball break out of her egg, it was so adorable. The people even let me name her! At first I could decide, how could one even decide what to name her? Eventually I did come up with a name though. I mean that part was obvious or else I wouldn't have said that they let me name her. ANYWAYS, I named her Chyna because she's a Chinese Fireball, and she just looked so delicate and fragile, like china. What happened while I was gone?"

Eve stared at the woman in shock as she abruptly changed the topic after rambling about naming a dragon. She stared at Thelma wide eyes and her mouth slowly a gap as stared in shock, "Uhh."

"Righ', Eve I'd like yeh ter meet the love of me life, Thelma. I 'spect yeh two'll get along great," Hagrid said happily, "Eve's a Faery yeh know, Thelma," Thelma looked at Hagrid in shock before a smile slowly made its way onto her face as Eve glared at Hagrid, black slowly seeping into the whites,

"I shouldn'ta said that."

Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now