Chapter Three

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After Madam Pomfrey released Remus from the hospital wing later that day, the fifth year Gryffindor immediately made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. He walked tiredly, dragging his feet against the cobble floor of the castle. The young werewolf quietly made his way up the stairs and towards the portrait of the Fat Lady- the entrance to the common room.

"Password?" She asked as she looked down at the scarred boy.

"Clarior Ignis," Remus answered.

The Fat Lady swung open the portrait and Remus walked along the short tunnel before entering the scarlet and gold common room- which was empty, sans the burning fire. He thought of heading towards the sofa to get more sleep to accompany the little he got in the infirmary from thinking about the mysterious girl- Eve- and the apparent sleep he got as a beast in the shack.

The boy quickly thought against it and walked up the stairs to the boys dormitory to get changed into his Gryffindor robes. Remus quickly got changed, pinned on his perfect badge, grabbed his books and walked back into the common room and out of the portrait hole.

Once back into the halls, he made his way down to the Great Hall for lunch.

He entered the hall quietly and found his three best friends sitting at the Gryffindor table chatting. A smile made it's way onto his face at his friends before placing his books down besides his bespectacled friend James.

"There you are, mate!" James greeted with a smile as Remus sat down.

"When did you get out?" Sirius, a fifth year with long black hair and grey eyes, asked, "You were in there longer than usual."

"Just a while ago," Remus answered as he started to fill his plate with food, "She asked me questions after I woke up."

"About what?" James asked, his hazel eyes sparked with curiosity.

Remus frowned for a moment before hesitantly answering, "There was girl-"

"What she pretty?" Sirius asked, interrupting his friend.

Remus rolled his eyes with a smile, "Yes, she was pretty, Sirius. But," a frown once again found his features, "well, she saw me. Like as a werewolf."

"Is she okay?" Peter- a short mousy boy with blonde hair- squeaked out.

"She's fine," Remus assured, "She said I didn't even try to hurt her."

"What house is she in? We need to make sure she doesn't tell," Sirius asked seriously (Sirius being serious? BLASPHAMY!!!)

"She doesn't go here," Remus told his dark haired friend, "She said she wasn't even a witch. I'm not really worried about that anyways. I want to know why I didn't try to hurt her- I mean, I'm happy I didn't- but still. It doesn't make sense. And Madam Pomfrey acted really weird around her, like she couldn't believe what she was seeing."

Now it was time for the others to frown, "I honestly have no idea, mate," James shrugged, "But, on the bright side, by next month we should be able to join you during full moons."

"I still can't believe you guys are doing this," Remus sighed, "Are you sure you want to? It's illegal."

"We're sure, Remus," Sirius assured with a genuine smile, "We just have to hold a mandrake leaf in our mouth for a month."

"We'll get it this time," James assured, "I know we've been doing this part for a year, but we'll get it this time. And maybe we'll meet this mysterious non-witch girl."

"What girl?" A voice asked from behind them causing the four boys to turn and see Lily Evans- another fifth year with red hair and green eyes- along with her two friend Alice Prewett and Marlene McKinnon. The red head raised an eyebrow at the four boys when no one answered, "Have you finally gotten a girl to like you, Potter?"

"Please, Evans, the ladies love me," James said back with a smirk, "Which includes you."

"You're hilarious, Potter," Lily snarled at the black haired boy, "It's never going to happen!" She then stomped off with Alice and Marlene following behind her, after both of them gave James a glare.

Sirius let out a laugh at James shocked face, "It looks like she's falling in love to me, Jamesie."

"You didn't honestly think that was going to work, did you?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow before letting out another yawn.

"I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong!" James complained.

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