Chapter Thirty-Four

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Efa still had a difficult time in believing in a magical tree in the forest that wouldn't let her see it. But, with Lily's story, she couldn't not believe in the mystical tree with burnt in runes. She had tried to demand to see it, but Lily denied, telling them all that, that was where she and Eve had gotten attacked by Death Eaters.

"I'm so sorry," Efa had said.

"You didn't know," Lily had assured the Sprite.

Once Lily and Eve assured Efa that everything was fine and that she shouldn't feel bad, the boys asked them if they just wanted to hang out outside by Emitt's tree or in their dorm. The girls ended up agreeing to the dorm, and they all went off.

They all walked through the halls of Hogwarts. Eve and Efa gaining some odd looks from the people in the halls. Most had seem them outside by the Black Lake when they showed off their 'wandless and wordless' magic. Many either looked at them oddly, not recognizing them, or smiled brightly at them.

No one approached them, though, as the seven of them walked towards Gryffindor Tower. Until, they were almost at the entrance to the Common Room.

"Uh, hi James."

"Hi, Mairwen." James smiled at the girl in front of them. She was dressed in Ravenclaw robes and had a notebook clutched close to her chest. "How are you doing?"

"I'm- I'm doing good." Mairwen smiled shyly at the Gryffindor boy.

Remus, Sirius, Peter, Eve, Efa, and Lily watched curiously from behind James as the two interacted.

"Are you- are you ready for the Potions tomorrow?" Mairwen asked him, "We were assigned as partners and apparently Professor Slughorn is giving everybody a project."

"Really?" James asked, when she nodded in response a string of curses escaped his lips. "Okay, well, at least you're my partner."

With those words, it was like a flip was switched in the small sixteen year old. She straightened her back and stared James in the eyes. "Don't think I'm doing all of your work. We're partners."

A barking laugh cut through behind the two. The Gryffindor and the Ravenclaw looked behind James and spotted Sirius laughing, Remus coughing to cover his up, Peter silently laughing, and the girls smiling brightly at Mairwen. Mairwen looked at the shocked, someone not even noticing they were there.

"Hi," she waved shyly.

"Hi, Mary," Lily smiled at the girl.

"Lily," Mairwen nodded in acknowledgement, "How are you doing today?"

"Good," Lily smiled brightly at her.

"So," Mairwen coughed awkwardly, "yeah. I'll see you in Potions, James." She started to walked past them, but someone stopped her.

"MARY!" A voice called out to her from the other side of the hall. Everyone looked over curiously and spotted a Slytherin girl and Severus running (Severus was walking, actually) towards Mairwen.

Mairwen smiled at the two Slytherins. "Hey Vega, Sev."

"I gotta show you something," the girl, Vega said excitedly, ignoring the group of Gryffindors.

"Er, okay," Mairwen agreed hesitantly.

"Hey, Snivellous," Sirius called out to the boy.

Severus glared over at them and sneered. He got ready to say something back but spotted Lily and promptly shut his mouth.

"Leave him alone, Sirius." Vega glared at the Gryffindor.

"What are you gonna do about it, Vega?" Sirius taunted her.

"Do you really wanna try me?"

"He's not worth it, Vega." Mairwen placed her hand on the Slytherin's shoulder, grabbing Severus' wrist as well. Dragging them off and away from the Gryffindors. "You guys wanted to show me something, didn't you."

"Yeah," said Vega, glaring back at Sirius before walking back down the hall. "It's over this way. Follow me." And the three disappeared down the corridor.

"Do you know her?" Remus asked Sirius, looking after the Slytherins and Ravenclaw. "Vega, I mean."

"Unfortunately," Sirius grumbled, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Do tell, Siri." Efa leaned towards the boy curiously, a bright smile on her face.

"She's my cousin."

Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now