Chapter Seven

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Eve led Remus into the shack through the tunnel under the Whomping Willow. When they reached the shack, she gently helped him sit down on one of the least destroyed pieces of furniture.

"How are you feeling, Remus?" Eve asked gently, looking at him with her emerald eyes.

"Yeah," Remus assured, not really paying attention to what she was saying. He was too busy thinking about the pale and shaking form of Madam Pomfrey with fear etched onto her face, "Why was Madam Pomfrey scared of you?"

"That's an excellent question, Remus, we were wondering the same thing," Sirius said as he, James and Peter walked out of the tunnel.

Eve didn't answer, but instead glared at the three boys, "I suggest you leave."

"Why's that?" James asked.

"Because soon enough your friend won't be your friend anymore," Eve said, still glaring at the trio, "Something he has no control over will posses his body, and it doesn't care who you are."

"Then how come you're safe?" Sirius asked returning the glare.

"Because I'm not a witch or wizard or muggle," Eve said in a steady voice, "I am not human, which is what werewolves attack."

"Then I guess it's a good thing we can turn into animals then," Sirius said.

"Guys," Remus grunted as he slid to the floor in pain.

"I suggest you become animals now," Eve said completely calm despite what was going on in front of her.

Sirius, James, and Peter nodded at the dark skinned girl before quickly transforming into a giant black dog, a stag, and a rat.

Eve walked closer to Remus as he grunts of pain grew louder and he started to transform, "Shh, it's okay Remus. Shh," she soothed while stroking a finger down his spine, and soon enough a werewolf stood in his place and it howled loudly at the moon.

Remus turned his head towards the three animals and growled lowly at the them, before looking over at Eve and growling while taking a step away from the creature.

He continued to growl lowly at all four of them but didn't make any move to attack in Eve's presence.

Said girl turned to the Animagi, "Just keep him company. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself."

The three nodded at her, which she returned before leaving through the tunnel.

When she exited through the Whomping Willow she saw a tall figure making it's way towards the tree. She grew tense as the tall man grew nearer. He had a long beard, silvered with age, that had to be tucked into his belt.

"Hello," he greeted as he grew close enough for Eve to make out the blue of his eyes, "My name is Albus Dumbledore. Current Headmaster of the school you are at."

"Pleasure," Eve said as she relaxed her stance, "I'm Eve."

"Nice to meet you, Eve," Albus smiled brightly at the seemingly young girl, "Madam Pomfrey has told me about you."

Eve said nothing, but anger was slowly becoming visible in her eyes.

"She's worried about you being around Mr. Lupin," Albus continued on, giving the girl a wary look, "She's heard stories of your kind-"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eve snarled at the man.

"Well, Faeries are known to be quiet different from their counterparts," Albus stated.

Eve glared up at the man, her Faery anger finally pushing itself to the surface as the whites of her eyes bleed into a black color, and her green iris' glowed. She snarled at the man, showing off her pointed teeth.

"Let's not do anything rash, Eve," Albus said calmly.

But Eve didn't respond, or reel in her emotions, she just turned into her Faery form and flew off to the Forbidden Forrest.

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