Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning, feeling like something was out of place. I rubbed the sleep from eyes as I realized I was not in my room. This room was too big and grand for its size.

'Dang it! I was setup to come here and now I'm prisoner until Mr. Cole deems it's alright to let me go.'

I pushed back the covers to see myself in the same attire as yesterday. A hot bath, freshly brushed teeth and a new set of clothes sounded like a good idea. I went into the walk-in closet and sifted through the different women clothes. I didn't want to think why he had so many different ones but I could tell they were all new. I picked the ones that were my size. Surprisingly, there was lingerie too. I picked a bra and underwear that would fit me and I made my way to the bathroom. After my bath and I changed into a new set of clothes, I saw a new toothbrush in a wrapper lying on the sink. I opened it and used the toothpaste that was provided as well.

I came out of my room, feeling refreshed, when I saw Dane Cole heading my direction. He paused in astonishment before he smiled at me. "Good morning. I didn't expect to see you awake this early." His tone was sensual as it washed over me. Shivers spiraled up and down my spine.

I did my best to ignore the feeling. "I'm used to getting up early since I work in a bookstore."

"Oh really?" he asked me. He didn't believe me.

"I do work in one," I replied icily. I marched into his kitchen and opened his refrigerator. I took out the eggs and cheese. I opened the other cabinets in search of a frying pan. Since he said that I had to stay at his place, I might as well make myself at home.

I located all the ingredients I needed to make us an egg and cheese omelet. I could feel his intense gaze on me as he watched me move around his kitchen.

"Do you prefer tea or coffee?" I questioned him as I put the kettle on to boil water.


"Do you have a coffee maker?"

"No, I don't need one. I prefer instant coffee." He reached into one of the cabinets and took out Nescafe Instant Coffee and Coffee Mate, a type of coffee creamer.

"This makes my life easier, thank you."

He laughed and the sound of the masculinity deeply rumbled.  My knees quivered. He moved around me as he opened another cabinet to take out plates. He placed them on the kitchen island.

"Which bookstore do you work for?" he asked me all of a sudden that I almost dropped the frying pan with our egg and cheese omelet on the floor.

'Does he believe me?' I wondered and I shook my head. But I still answered his question. "I work at Thorton's Bookstore."

"How long have you worked there?"

"Two years," I answered. I put our breakfast on some plates and placed the frying pan in the kitchen sink. We took our spots around the table and we simply enjoyed our meals in silence. After we finished, I collected our dishes and put them into the sink.

"I can understand that working in a bookstore doesn't pay a good wage," he said. His words took me by surprise as I turned to him.

I held his eyes with my own and said, "I am not a whore."

"That doesn't explain how you ended up in Mr. Pierce's company."

"That was a mistake on my part." Obviously, he wasn't listening to my words and I wondered why I bothered to explain anything.

"There's one way to know if you're telling the truth," he said.

"And what is that?"

"Doing this." His arms moved around me so quickly, I was taken by surprised. He pulled me hard against him, his mouth crashed on mine. For a second, I went completely still in shock before I started to push against his chest. It felt like I was trying to shove a brick wall. He didn't budge. His lips continued to move against mine until with a sigh I shuddered. I stopped struggling against him and I gave into the pleasant sensation he was building in me. I tiptoed and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands roamed my body and I gave a small whimper, my entire body erupted in a passion I had never felt before.

His lips pulled from mine in stunned astonishment. I glanced up into his smoldering blue eyes and he groaned before moving to kiss me once more. He lifted me onto the table, laid me out as he hovered over me. His mouth traveled down the slender column of my throat as my fingers moved through his dark hair. I moaned softly from his actions. I felt his hands moving under my shirt. His large hand splayed across my stomach. My nipples hardened against my bra and I wanted to beg him to touch me there. A moan only escaped my parted lips. With a masculine groan, which resonated in the back of his throat, he nipped at my ear, causing me to arch my back. I gasped loudly as strange sensations ran through me. An ache began to build between my legs. I turned toward the man before me and I took his face in between my hands. I pulled his lips back to mine.

His mouth continued to play with me before he moved away. With his clenched fist, he rolled my hair into a knot at the nape of my neck. He tugged at it at an angle before he roved his tongue against my lips. I gasped at the heat of his breath and his tongue swept inside my mouth to explore every crevice. I moaned again and arched my body into his. My legs spread wide until my core pressed against his abdomen. I lifted my hips and I gasped. I heard his growl before he let me go. The spell between us was broken.

He unrolled his fist from my hair, letting the locks tumble over my slim shoulders. He stepped back so I couldn't see the desire glowing in his blue eyes. I was in complete shock at how one kiss could make my toes curl. I felt a heartbeat in between my legs and squeezed my thighs together to stop the ache. Trembling hands tugged down my shirt. Instantly, I hopped off the table dashed around it. I kept my shaky hands on the counter to support my already flailing body.

"W-ha-t d-id y-ou do?" I asked with an unsteady tone.

He craned his neck, his glittery blue eyes watched my every move like a hawk. If my body could have burn and then melted on the spot, it would have done that by one look. "I wanted a sample of what Mr. Pierce was missing," he said.

His words did more damage than a slap to my face. I blinked my eyes as a coldness spread through my body. His kiss was all the proof he needed to think I was a whore. I acted like some wanton person.

'What have I done?'

My hands let go of the counter. I crumbled onto the floor as his face disappeared from my line of view. I heard his footsteps fade into the distance and a door slamming shut. Finally, I sobbed.

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