Chapter 21

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"I know who that man is," Mr. Thorthon said. "But we have rules and regulations to follow for a reason. One of them is to not be fraternizing with the customer." This was something I knew well. It was a rule put in place to prevent sexual harassment.

It was the type of rule I thought I didn't have to worry about until now.

"I understand, sir," I replied with a forlorn tone. "I'm sorry."

"That's okay." Then he added with confidence, "You are a good worker."

A smile tugged on my lips. "Thanks." He was trying to make me feel better.

The old man grabbed his book and was about to walk into his office with it but he stopped. He stood there for a moment before he faced me. Curious, I raised my head in his direction. "I know it's not my business, but please be careful with men like that."


He shook his head. "Rich men, they hold expectations." He sounded uncomfortable.

I began spluttering over words.

He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "And that man looks like he wants to eat you."

How much did Mr. Thorton see? Were we kissing that heatedly in front of other people? I glanced at the side of me. Although there were windows throughout the front of the store, they were mostly covered with ads. People on the outside got a little view of what was going on inside the store but if I had known that people could see us, I would have pushed Dane away from me.

"Umm... I...." I didn't know what to tell Mr. Thorton. A part of me was touched that he was concerned for me. Another part of me wanted to say it was none of his business. But I could never disrespect Mr. Thorton. He was a nice employer and I really needed this job.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I just don't want to see you in trouble."

"Thanks," I said, feeling grateful to have someone who cared for me. Since Irene wasn't talking to me, it felt good to know I at least had someone who cared for me.

Then he turned around and went into his office, leaving me alone on the floor to hold the fort. To occupy myself, I decided to rearrange books on the bookshelf. We were expecting a new load of books to be shipped to the store in a couple of days. Some were requests made from customers. Others were popular books. It was a good idea to update the stock of books every now and then.

I was absorbed in pulling out of books and putting them on the desk next to the cashier that I didn't notice the bookstore open. Only the ringing sound of the bell in the air alerted me that we had a customer.

Automatically, a business persona overtook me. "Welcome, please give me a moment before I can help you."

I tiptoed to get a book from a top shelf but even on the tip of my toes, I couldn't reach the book.

"Here, let me help you," said a masculine voice next to my ear. My body stiffened as my arm fell limply to my side. A lump formed in my throat. Fear engulfed me at the thought of seeing the least expected person to enter Thorton's Bookstore.

I swallowed as the hair stood at the nape of my neck. Instantly, I whirled around. Both of my hands clutched the edge of the bookshelf. My rear hit the books. My eyes darted on either side of me. Strong black sleeved arms raised above my head, blocking any attempts to escape. I became sandwiched between a hard and undeniably male body of the same man who put a restraining order on me.

I gulped.

"It's good to see you again, Ms. Black," Nathan said with darkness lacing his tone.

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