What Happened

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Authors note
Before i even thought of this story
I made a very very old wattpad account
It had one if my assasination classroom
Fanfics so this story(broken mind)was based off that
Anyways enjoy this chapter
Karma and kayano was in shock of what the doctor said

Karma thought to himself
"He is going to be unconscious for 2 weeks?!"

While kayano was saying in a voice that was mixed in tears
"Its all my fault"

The doctor said after that
"Im sorry but he will not be able to attend to shcool and will be staying in the hospital for now"

Shortly after he said this too
"You can leave now if you want"

Then both of them left with worry in their faces

2 days later
As E-class was waiting for their teacher 1 of them was absent during that session

"Hey karma do you know where nagisa and kayano are" rios,hayami and chiba asked

"You havent heard"karma replied in a surprised voice

Something flew in the teachers desk when he said that in the speed of mach 20

"Today class i have some very bad news karma and kayano already know but ill say it"korosensei said so

"What is it octopus"teresaka said

"Nagisa got caught in a car accident"korosensei said in a sad voice

"What happened"Eclass asked

"Ill explain"karma said

"you can say kayano and nagisa were out together but some idiots decided to start a fight and when they lost they decided to sucker punch nagisa getting him hit,kayano told me everything
Karma said

"Kayano wont be attending today to look over nagisa in the hospital"korosensei said

Eclass couldnt say anything because they were in shock of what they heard
Several students where thinking how could this happen
And others were just guilty
When e class ended
At the hospital
Kayano was still crying and thinking it was all her fault

Her thinking was inturrupted by some knocking on the door she opened it and there was some familiar faces there

It was isogai,karma,nakamura,manami and okano

"Kayano are you crying over nagisa"nakumura pointed at kayano

"WHAT,no"kayano said while blushing

"Then why are you in tears"karma teased

"Guys there is a person in the room that is unconscious"isogai said in a serious manner

Manami said this in a nice voice
"Kayano ive brought nagisa some medical kits and some medicine its liquid"

"Thats great but how will nagisa drink the medicine"kayano asked manami

"Guess youll have to put the medicine in your mouth and just kiss him to make him drink it"
Karma teased again

Kayano was blushing and was tired of being teased

"Dont worry you can  just pour it in his mouth that will work"okano said

"Thanks guys for coming by the way it was getting lonely in here"kayano said

"With nagisa in here its mustve been fun
And he cant remember anything
You couldve done anything you want
Since youre already boyfriend girlfriend"

Kayano said while blushing as red as a tomato

"Really?,why are you blushing then?"
Karma and nakamura teased kayano until they will leave

Anyways guys that will be it for this one tommorow i will make an announcement with the next chapter and i hope you like this part of the story

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