A Broken Mind:Final Chapters Part 4 of ?

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Hello guys alumium here and welcime back to a broken mind and im just going to point out that there will be 4 or 5 chapters left,and that kayano isnt the one that the bullet shrapnel
E-Class had no luck finding nagisa,until karmas group found him

The gun went off the bullet got a small hit off of nakamura's shoulder causing it to bleed

Luckily the bullet didnt really harm anything exept for nakamura's shoulder and just hit the wall...

But unlickily the bullet burst into tiny shrapnels,
Most of the shrapnels just went off flying and had absolutely had no chance of hitting anyone

Exept for a person nagisa already tried to shoot

Nakamura said this before the bullet just hit the wall
"Missed me psycho!"

She almost got cut off by the shrapnel,but the shrapnel hit her right after she said that

The inverted world was still fine and inverted nagisa
Was still trapping itona in his world

Itona then asks inverted nagisa
"Turn around"

Inverted nagisa then mutters
"Another sneak attack?,how disappointing"

Inverted nagisa then thinks he is right about his statement because  he can read minds in the inverted world

Itona then screams at Inverted nagisa with what he last said

Inverted nagisa then rolled his eyes and did turn around and expected a sneak attack

Itona then ran to him and had what he thought was the perfect plan

Inverted nagisa then dodged to the left and smirked

But then a second later itona changed his mind
And went for something else

Inverted nagisa then read his mind again And realized Itona was trying to do something else now

Itona then quickly ran to itona and kicked over his legs causing him to fall over

Itona then got up and says this to him
"I found a loophole or exploit to youre stupid mind control powers"

Inverted nagisa then laughs at itona and says this to itona
"I already know what youre going to say"You can only read what im only thinking now and you cant read them if you dont"you think you are so smart itona?,well what you said is completely right,thats pretty usual for a power like this"

While they were making a fight,korosensei and isogai's group were out to find nagisa,they had
Absolutely no luck at all

Isogai heard a buzzing from his phone
Then they got a text from manami and the text says
"We found nagisa at a backstreet alley"

Maehara asked while they were running
"Who was it?,and what does it say?"

Isogai replied to maehara and said what the text said
"Manami texted me that they found nagisa"

Maehara then asks another question
"Did she point out where he is?"

Isogai then answers maehara's question
"Yeah she did say the place,manami said that they were in a backstreet alley!"

Maehara then mutters out instead of asking a question
"Thats not very specific and is not going to help us at all"

Isogai then points something out something he was realized
"Guys,i need to point something out..."

Toka then gives isogai a question
"Then what is it?,point it out already dont leave us hanging"

Isogai then says this to all of them
"They have been texting me for the past 30 minutes and the one i read is the very last text they sent me

The whole group thinked to themselves
"Is this what the class president slash ikeman of the class really is going to be"

Korosensei then says this to E-Class
"Class i will fly off to a higher point to get a better vantage point to find nagisa even more faster"

Karasuma and irina then got on korosensei and says
"We will come with you"

Korosensei then says this
"Alright lets go,well leave the rest to you guys"

Korosensei then flys off in mach 20

Back to karmas group it wasnt looking very good
Sure they found nagisa,but they encountered the thugs as well and nagisa is even more deadlier than ever

And the shrapnel went directly at nakamuras back
She then fell over

Kayano and manami went to nakamura

Kayano then asks nakamura in a worried voice
"Nakamura!!!,are you fine!?!"

Manami checked the wound ans said this
"You are lucky nakamura you dont have a exit wound,an exit wound bleeds more than a entrance wound"

Nagisa then charged at both of them

Kimura then blocked nagisa and tried his best
To stop him

Karma was still fending off the thugs that were after them

And things werent going anywhere with this

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