A Broken Mind:Final Chapters Part 2 Of??

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Fun fact the reason i couldnt upload for the past
3 days is i lost my phone again,but i found it under the couch so everythings fine i actually thought it was going to be another "lets talk about how i write" moment,another fun fact rio nakamura actually has romantic feelings for nagisa,but dont worry he wont snatch him from kayano she said it herself
______________________________________________nagisa was deep in the ally,the thugs that caused
Every single part of this were back and he saw
Some faces that he didnt recognize at all

He was held by the neck by one of the thugs
There was also a gun pointed directly at his head

But nagisa wasnt scared at all,nagisa just stared at him and didnt say anything

Then bang
A gunshot was heard from the distance karma maehara nakamura and the rest of E-Class

Karma quickly said
"We need to split up to three groups!!!"

Nakamura gave a question to karma and asked
"But who will be in what?"

Karma answered
"Fine then,i will be taking okuda,kayano,kimura,sosuke,toka,itona,mimur-"

Hinata inturrupted karma
"Karma,itonas passed out!,he cant get up!"

Karma asked a question
"Where is he then?"

Maehara answered him
"We left him back at the E-Class shcool"

Chiba asked another question
"You said you,hinata and sugino will bring him to the hospital,why is he at E-Class campus?"


Sugino was dragging itonas body around the ice
Trying not to break it

Maehara looked at him and asked with a very
Confused voice
"What the hell are you doing?"

Hinata was worried because it looks like they killed a person

Maehara just grabbed itona and got him into a taxi
He said this to the driver
"To the hospital please"

Itona rushed in the car and brought hinata over

The snow was overwhelming the roads and
Was making it slippery and wet

Causing the taxi to crash,luckily the car didnt explode it just crashed

All of them were knocked out exept for maehara
Who was getting hit by itonas body since he
Was carrying him

The taxi driver woke up and said
"Sorry there folks but in this condition
Things arent going anywhere"

All of them starts to go out of the car
And starts walking around

Sugino mutters out
"Were not even halfway there!"

Maehara says this to them
"We will just bring him to the campus"

So they brought him to the campus
But when they tried to get up the hill
They accidentaly dropped itona in the snow

They picked itona up and hinata said
"Is he still passed out after that?!"

Maehara just stuck him in a chair and left

Isogai hit maehara and screamed at him

Kayano thought to herself,and she was really worried when she saild this
"Where could nagisa be"

Nakamura slowly said
"Ok,moving on......."

Karma then continued his explanation
That was cut off a few moments ago
"Ok then i will be taking okano,kayano,kimura,sosuke,sugino and nakamura"

Nakamura says this
"Teresaka take your usual group and okajima,
So you are the useless group,take suri as well"

Isogai then says this after karma
"I will have maehara and the rest of the class
That arent picked yet"

So then they split upped and moved out

Meanwhile the gunshot went off
And nagisa was still fine

The thugs were surprised nagisa dodged the gunshot from pointblank

"What the hell!?!,what are you!?!"
One of the thugs says

While the others were silent because of the shock

Nagisa then kicked the guy who was holding him
And roundhoused the guy who was holdung the gun to disarm him

"What the hell is this runt doing!?!"
One of the thugs watched

Nagisa got the gun in midair and aimed it at one of them

Inverted nagisa thought to himself
"This body actually has more potential than i actually thought"

Itona then ask inverted nagisa
"How was he able to do that,and how did you make something that makes people do that"

Inverted nagisa didnt answer and just stayed silent

Nagisa then pulls a guy buy neck and points a gun at his head

Nagisa then finally talks but in inverted nagisas voice
"Die,all of you will die"

One of the thugs say
"Hey kid your voice has changed a lot back then"

Then one of them made a surprise attack but nagisa saw right through him and brought him down

He knocked him down to the ground and pointed at him with the gun

He was about to pull the trigger but he heard a scream in the distance

He looked behind the alley and saw some of his classmates

Karma was screaming out
"Hey nagisa kayano has been waiting for a long time now"

Then nagisa had a short flashback in his head of a moment with EClass

He tried to shake it off his head and he did

A Broken Mind (Assasination Classroom)Where stories live. Discover now