A Broken Mind:Final Chapters Part 6 of ?

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Hey guys sorry for not updating this for a couple of months(understatement,it was at least 6 months) but anyways lets see on what excuses i can come up with... i actually got nothing this time

But anyway guys here is the newest edition to a broken mind and sorry for the extremely long break i took i kinda forgot i had a wattpad account 

But before i start this i just want to point something out,


"What the hell are these random flashbacks im having,was my otherself really like this back then?"Inverted Nagisa says

"Hey dont refer to me as your other self,were equals you know?" Nagisa said this as he were entering the inverted world

"us?equals? not a chance im nothing like you,youre a weak,fragile person and you think were equals?"

"dont get ahead of yourelf buddy,you dont even know what im like''


"im sure its something weaker then what you are now,but enough talking though lets watch yourself decimate your friends"

back to reality

karma,kayano,nakamura,manami,kimura and sosuke jump down to the ground getting some cover to patch up nakamura

"im not going to lie nakamura this is going to hurt,a lot"manami says with a nervous tone

manami then fires up the lighter and carries it to nakamuras wound,the lighter burns the wound and slows down the bleeding a bit

nakamura passes out from the pain from the wound,manami then covers up the wound wit a piece of cloth ripped off her jacket

"what the hell happenned?"karma asks with the sound of gunshots in the backround

"she mustve passed out from the pain"kayano answers

"we need to get out of here,nagisa wont stop shooting!"sosuke warns the others

nagisa thhen pulls the trigger *click *click                                                                                                                  nagisa obesrves the gun and finds out it has no more bullets

"he has no more ammo,its our time to get to him"kimura shouts

nagisa quickly runs up the wall and hangs on to the ledge of the ladder,he climbs up and makes it on to the roof,he jumps from building to building in hopes of getting away from them

"me and kimura will go catch him up on the rooftops,you go and get nakamura medical attention"karma says

karma and sosuke get up to the rooftops through the same way nagisa did and sees him a few buildings away from them

they catch up to him quickly and karma grabs nagisa by the shoulder,nagisa notices this and gives a roundhouse to both karma and sosuke

they both fall over and lose track of nagisa,nagisa then jumps of the building to a balcony and loses the two

karma tries to stand up but he he used up all of his energy                                                                                "those thugs and that kick used up all of my anergy,damn my nose is bleeding"

sosuke stands up but is hurt and pulls up karma they both try to go back to street level to try and find the others

meanwhile at kayano

"we need to get nakamura to a hospital fast,this amatuer medication is not going to help her for long"okuda says in a worried voice

kayano picks up her phone in hopees of korosensei answering

"hold on ill try to call korosensei"kayano says

korosensei's phone rings and answers it                                                                                                                      "hello?who is this?"

"korosensei we need to get nakamura to a hospital quickly,we slowed down the bleeding but  she still needs medical help"kayano says

"where are you then?"korosensei asks                                                                                                                        "i placed trackers on every student at the beginning of class,we could track them down if we follow this gps"karasuma says

"one,why didnt you tell this to us, we coud've used this to find nagisa a few days ago,and two why in the world did you put trackers on the-"


"okay!"korosensei replies and flies off to where they are located

back to the inverted world

"what the hell have you done to them?,why did you do this"nagisa asks in an serious tone

inverted nagisa walks up to nagisa,inverted nagisa gravs him by the neck and lifts him up              "what was that?,i couldnt hear you over you choking but ill answer your question,first youre doing this not me and second of all because i wanted to"inverted nagisa then lets go of nagisa

"then what the hell have you done to me then?"nagisa asks promptly

inverted nagisa then kneels and punches nagisa,making him fall over

"i didnt do anything actually,your body is just not listening to you,and besides im just your conscience,im just forcing your body to lose control"inverted nagisa answers him

2 black snakes suddenly pop out from the ground and ties nagisa's foot to the floor                            "what the hell is this?"
"the first time we met I wrapped your whole body with anacondas and you only say that now?"inverted nagisa asks

"srew you you stupi-"a snake covers nagisa's mouth and prevents him from speaking any further
nagisa grows with rage and his body burns with bloodlust,he breaks out of the entanglement and charges for his counterpart 

inverted nagisa then makes a pulse of bloodlust throughout his conscience but it has no effect on nagisa

nagisa then inflicts several hits on inverted nagisa but he just smiles

nagisa screams at his counterpart"ill take everything back,ill destroy you,ill make you wish i had never been in that car crash!"

inverted nagisa then says"you cant do that,even if you tried youll be killing yourself in the process,but feel free to do it anyways i know the type of person you are im your mentality"

"then ill just force you or someone to kill me if thats what it takes to get rid of you"nagisa says

"called it"inverted nagisa cheekily says                                                                                                                       "but i want to actually see the day you do that"inverted nagisa adds on


hey guys just to point out there are just 2 nagisas inverted nagisa and the normal one

but thanks for reading

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