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Hey guys sorry for lying on my last chapter for saying i will upload yesterday
And i wont say how i didnt publish yesterday because explanations are boring but here is the story
The Day Before Nagisa wakes up

7:10 am
E-class Shcool

Most of Eclass just woke up and havent attended class yet but few were there earlier then expected

As okano opened the door she didnt expect 2 others to be this early

Okano said this to them
"well arent you two early"

Karma then muttered
"Me and knucklehead were justwaiting for the others to come"

Teresaka then replied with
"The hell did you just call me

A few minutes later korosensei flew in the class window
"Ive come here with something to remind you of someone but i will say when the rest of the class comes"

When he finished saying that 5 people came in
Kanzaki,itona,maehara,isogai and toka

Ritsu also just turned on

Karma then teased isogai by saying this
"Not first anymore arent you"

Isogai then replied
"Its not my fault itona broke his drone and had to find a repair shop along the way

Nakamura,hazama and sugino then came in

Nakamura then said
"Karma check your bag after class"

Karma was confused and just nodded

Then the rest of the class came in

Korosensei then said
"Ok class i just wanted to tell you all something
For those who do know dont tell them"

"Nagisa shiota will be conscious again tommorow but we do not know if he is going to be attending class"

When he was finished saying the news someone unexpected came through the door before anyone could even say something to korosensei

Nakumura then took no hesetation at saying this
"Well look who it is coming in surprisingly in

Sugino then asked
"So who is taking care of nagisa now kayano"

Kayano then answered
"Well the doctors are its the last day before his consciousness so its no surprise they have to check if its ok"

Korosensei then said
"Kayano please take your seat to continue class"

Korosensei then said
"Class the whole day will be about PE'

Kanzaki then questioned korosensei
" But Isnt Karas-"

Karasuma then busted through the door
"Ive heard from the other room its my day octopus"

As the day went on they seemed to forget about korosensei and now making him doing sports with himself

His lonely sports game was inturrupted by karasuma
"Octopus you take it on from here ill take a break"
After shcool

Nakamura then asked kayano
"Hey kayano can we visit nagisa today"

Kayano then replied
"I dont think we can the doctors there dont want to be distracted right now

Karma then said
"See you tommorow then at the hospital,this is my stop"

The rest replied with
"Ok redhead"

Kayano then walked to their house at that point she went to her room and tried to sleep but cant there was something in her head that she cant forget, nagisa

She was thinking to herself repetedly
"Will nagisa be ok?"

She then said to herself
"Kayano go to sleep already youll find out tommorow"
After hours of thinking about nagisa she then went to sleep
The day nagisa will wake up
Kayano woke up early and was ready to go to the hospital after she dressed and ate breakfast

She was now ready to go and went outside but there was some familiar faces ready to go with her
"Karma,nakamura,sugino,kanzaki you four really waited that long for me?"

Sugino then said
"No we werent here that long karma on the other hand waited for a long time"

Nakamura then said
"Sorry to ruin your conversation but can we just go"

While they were walking to the hospital kayano got a text message from the hospital

Kanzaki then asked
"Is something wrong kayano you seem worried"

Kayano the answered
"Its just a text from the hospital"

Karma then said
"Better check it then might be important"

When kayano read the text message to them it caught everybody in shock

Nakamura then said
"What do they mean by "something went wrong""

Sugino then said this while running
"We better hurry then"

As they went through the the hospital door karma asked the receptionist immedietely
"What room is nagisa shiota in?"

She answered with
"Floor 5 room 3"

They rushed for the elevator while they were worried and then kanzaki asked
"What do you think happened"

Nakamura then said in a worried voice
"Well find out"

As they rushed for the door they were stopped by the doctor opening the door
"Were sorry that this happened to your friend but,just see for yourself"

They entered the room with a bandaged and confused nagisa

Karma then said
"Nagisa are you okay"

Kayano then said after karma
"What happened"

Nagisa then left their questions with this answer
"Who Is Nagisa"
Hey guys sorry for the obvious cliffhanger

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