A Broken Mind:Final Chapters:Part 1 of ?

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Hello guys i have everything set up on the new phone,had to change my password for everything
And here is the final chapters for the story
By the way what inverted nagisa says later
Isnt said in the parts so no need to re run the whole
Everything isnt fine for E-class at this time

Nagisa is literaly broken,Itona was a victim of the inverted world,Karma was fighting already,
And Kayano isnt fully healed yet.....

E-class was still battling with nagisa

They were throwing punches at nagisa
Left and right,then they got to a corner

They thought that nagisa will use his bloodlust to
Paralyze them all,So they stayed away from him
More than ten feet

Kimura repeats what itona said while running away
"Stay away from nagisa!!!"

So every single one who was fighting nagisa
Backed away

Thats What they thought though,

Nagisa used this to his advantage,not knowing he
Lost all of his powers for a temporary time

He ran up the bridge and tried to not
Slip on the freezed river under it

Nagisa ran up to the bridge and got on the road
He used the sidewall to get away

Sosuke muttered in a strong voice to everyone

Karma then thought to himself
"No,were just dumb-asses"

They then tried to follow him
But before they left

Hinata noticed something
Korosensei and karasuma is gone

She then says this to the class in a loud voice before they tried to follow him
"Guys!!,Where the heck is korosensei and
Mr. Karasuma"

All of them realized after she said that

Maehara then says
"No time to lose we need to look at our
Main priority first!!!,finding nagisa!!!"

So they ran off the river and some of them
Slipped but got back up,exept for okujima
Who fell face first in the ice,causing it to break

Then making the others fall into it too

(Generic elvator music plays)
Sorry for the inconvenience
We are experiencing technical diffuculties

Please ignore that
Korosensei was flying over the skies over the speed of mach 20

Karasuma says this
"We need to find irina fast!"

Korosensei then replies to karasuma
"Where is she anyways!?"

Karasuma then answers his question
"She said that shes somewhere around the east

Korosensei then thought to himself
"Wait,didnt i just past by that a minute ago?"

Korosensei then ignores his own question and just continues

They then realized after 10 minutes

They actually passed by the east terminal
And irina
After getting her text of
"You guys just passed by me"

So they turned around and went to the east terminal

Irina then says this to the two
"Took you 2 idiots long enough"

Karasuma then replies to Irina
"Hey,were not the ones that left for something
Even thought one of our students
Isnt even mentally stable"

Irina then says something again
"Fine,fine lets just go to nagisa"

So they left off to find nagisa
And the others

Back to the E-classes situation
They lost track of nagisa

He hid behind an alley hoping no one would notice

He ran off to the other side

Inverted nagisa
Then points something out
And says this to itona
"You know,i havent always been this way"

Itona then says something again before
He could even say anything
"Ive already explained it to nagisa"

Nagisa then runs off deeper in the alley
Only to be greeted by a dead-end

Some people are crawling out of the darkness
It took a long time until theyre faces
Could be recognizable

It was the thugs that caused all of this
From the car crash to the absolute memory loss

One of the thugs says
"Sorry to say but our last meeting wasnt that great"

And one of the thugs he couldnt recognize said
"So was this the runt that screwed all of you
Up?,what a shame"

Inverted nagisa then thought to himself
"Damn,never thought these dumb assess would
Ever come back from what nagisa did
And they didnt even know that i existed
In that point in time"

Nagisa realized that they had weapons this time

Then one of the thugs approached him
And held him by his neck
And asked him
"Why are you so quiet punk?,last time you
Were answering everything we say,
And they werent even questions!"

A few seconds have passed and he still wasnt
Answering the thugs at all

One of the thugs pulled out a gun and pointed
It directly at nagisas head
"Maybe this will get you to talk!"

And nagisa still didnt answer them
The thugs got fed up with him and said
"Thats it,just die"

Then bang

But nagisa didnt die,
And the thug wasnt even the one who pulled the trigger

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