The quest

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He walked past all the cabins and the weapons shed that was now smoking and came to a stop at the log cabin that over looks the lake. Cody spoke 'if you live, come back to the cabin'

'Thanks for the encouragement' I said sarcastically

From somewhere inside the cabin a fireball erupted. I dropped to the ground and rolled into a cannon ball. I slowly got up and saw Cody hiding behind large rock, just poking his head out, like a cautious animal. I walked over to the window of the log cabin and peered inside. I saw a young man dressed in a labcoat (now extremely charred) he looked shocked and was frozen. I walked over to Cody and pulled him up. 'Come on tough guy' I taunted 'let's meet this guy' Cody still looked scared and refused to come with me. I sighed and walked up to the entrance, unaccompanied.

I knocked on the wooden door. It swing open and I was greeted by the smiling face of the same man that I saw through the window. 'Hello!' he said with his face beaming

'Hi' I responded

'So' we continued 'you are the one who is responsible for all the ruckus?'

'Well' I started but he cut me off

'Name' he said as he got a clip board from inside

'Wait, what?' I asked mid sentence

'Name' he repeated in a impatient tone

'Umm, Jack' I answered

'Well Jack, you may come in'

I walked into his hut, being careful of where I stepped. He beaconed for me to sit down on a plain wooden chair.

'Now Jack, I believe I haven't introduced myself' he paused 'I am indego, the camps predictor'

After he introduced himself he started to ask me questions about what happened back at home and when I got to camp. After a long talk Indego got up, thanked me for my time and asked me to leave. He looked worried.

I walked out of the log but and started my journey towards my cabin. The walk was long and dark but I finally reached my cabin. I walked onto the front porch and the lights were still on inside. I slowly opened my door to be greeted by Cody and Dean who where in deep convosation until I walked in. Cody stopped and looked at me

'Jack!' he said in a funny tone 'your back late'

'Yeah' I replied 'Indego asked me heaps of questions'

'Well, I guess that we should get to bed' Dean concluded

'Yeah' I yawned

I crashed onto my bed and imediently fell asleep.

I woke up with a rac on the door. I pulled of the cover and was struck by the chilly morning air. I walked towards the door and yanked it open to be face to face with Indego.

'We need to go' he said hurriedly

'Why?' I questioned

'You have a quest to be on' he grinned

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