Fishing for nothing

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"What now?" Amanda asked

"We make our way north" i responded with as much sincerity as possible, it has been a rough day for me and everyone else. "First we need to sleep, get our energy back"

They both nodded and followed me back through the waterfall, the weird sensation of not getting wet while walking through the waterfall no longer made me happy. Many men had fallen today and their was nothing I could do to stop it. We walked through the lounge room, the TV was not turned on and it was empty. The whole place that was filled with happiness just a couple of hours ago was now filled with sadness, the sounds of weeping men and the sounds of people in pain took the place of the sounds of laughter and happiness.

We walked untill we reached a room where there was two beds. I turned to Amanda
"Me and drake will sleep here" I told her "you can sleep in the room next to us" she nodded and left us, going into her room. Me and drake shut our door and collapsed on the beds. The room was cold and damp, but I didn't care, I just needed sleep. I shut my eyes and went to sleep, no dreams tonight, just sleep.

I woke up and shot out of bed. I opened the door and walked out to the lounge room. Drake and Amanda were sitting on the couch watching tv, the other people in the room were chatting. One of the men walked up to me and handed me a map.
"Here" he said to me "this will help you in your travels"
"Thankyou" I responded and shook his hand
I walked up to drake and Amanda and tapped them both
"Time to go" I told them
They nodded without a word and followed me out the waterfall door.

We mounted out dragons and took off . We flew further and further away from the cliff where we were just located. Amanda turned to me and shouted
"Where to now?!"
"We will north and follow the river, the men at the hideout we were just at told us they saw the enemy going north" I responded
"So we just go north until we find them?" Drake asked
"Titan can track their scent" I shouted back
Drake and Amanda smiled as we flew. I decided that we were not having enough fun and I needed to cheer them up. After a few minutes of flying I flew down low and purched titan on the edge of a low hanging cliff. I spotted some large fish in the river and pulled my spear pen from my pocket. After expanding the spear drake and Amanda lurched their dragons next to titan
"What are you doing?" Drake asked, clearly puzzled and tired
"Just getting lunch" I responded through snigger
"What are you hoping to catch here?" Amanda asked
"I'm not sure, but it seemed like we need a bit more time together after yesterday" Amanda and Drake silently agreed and they started walking down towards the river. We spent the rest of the day fishing, not really catching much, but having fun. It was three o'clock when we realized we may need to get a move on. We all mounted our dragon and continued flying.

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