Take flight

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Chapter 10

'Wait' I said to Indego 'you expect me to ride that?' He looked at me

'If you want to do this quest, yes' he said with a smile

'But I don't know how to ride a dragon!' I shouted 'I don't even know what I'm doing here!' This was getting all to much

'Calm down' said Drake

This was making me very mad. Amanda stepped in.

'Guys, calm down, we need to go in this quest no matter what!'

I thought about this for a second and made up my mind. There is not much to go back to if I leave.

'Ill go' I said with a sigh. Indegos face didn't change through out this whole dispute. He walked over to another dragon and lead it towards drake.

'This is mars, your dragon drake' he said as he walked back to another stable to grab a third dragon for Amanda. He walked out with a slightly smaller dragon and handed it to Amanda.

'This is Violet, careful she's feisty' Indego said with a smile

I finally got a chance to look at all the dragons. My dragon, Titan had silver scales that covered his whole body, red spikes came out of his back, it was going to be painful to ride them.The dragon that I suspected was a he, was about five meters long but his tail stretched an extra two meters. My dragon was fairly small compared to Drakes dragon. The dragon had muscular legs and huge talons. It's scales were coloured purple with a tinge of red and his spikes were blue. Drakes dragon took up most of the room and miniaturized the rest of our dragons. Amanda's dragon was the smallest of all the dragons, she had red scales and purple spikes producing from her spine.

Indego spoke through the silence that was caused by awe 'well I think you should be off' Amanda sighed heavily

'What?' I asked

'I'm not sure if I'm ready' she said with a quivering

'my darling' Indego stepped in 'you have been ready your whole life for this moment'

'What he said' Drake said in a reassuring tone. Amanda looked at me and Drake

'Lets go' she said

'Right then, I'll get you sorted' Indego said as he clicked his fingers. With a loud pop saddles appeared on the dragons and so did small leather pouches on the side of the saddles. Indego clicked his fingers again and our luggage flew through the door and straight into the pouches even though the luggage was ten times the size of the tiny leather pouches. Amanda and Drake showed no emotion but my draw dropped. I guess they were used to it. Indego directed me onto my dragon. I placed my feet into the feet holders. Titan started walking out the door and so did Mars and Violet. Once out of the old barn Indego ran up to me.

'Here' he handed me a map that was bound by red lace. 'On the map, I have marked out where we suspect the three people we're taken. I opened it and sure enough the three names Hamish, Ricky and Lewis showed up, all of them in three different places. I looked at the closest one to us and It was Hamish. The map showed he was thirty kilometers east in a place called Deepmont and I looked like it was near a river. I bound the map and placed in in the leather bag, where I could see my bag sitting comfortably at the bottom. I looked at Amanda and Drake

'We go east to Deepmont' I said finally

I grabbed the reigns of Titan and kicked off. Even though I had never flown a dragon or flown anything I felt like I belonged here and I learnt almost instantly.

- - -

Wh had flown for hours and covered almost ten kilometers. We landed in a open spot in the middle of a Forrest.

'Good job today' said Drake

'Thanks' I responded 'can you go get some fire wood?'

'Sure' said Drake happily as Drake walked off I set up our sleeping bags. When Drake returned with a armful of twigs Titan lit the camp fire and Drake took the first watch. The only time I woke up was when Drake woke me up for my watch, during that time I layed against Titans belly and that kept me warm. I woke up Amanda for her shift and slept through the rest of the night. In the morning We packed up our stuff and ate breakfast. The dragons flew off and caught themselves breakfast. Once we were all full we saddled up and started our final stretch to Deepmont. When I took off I realized how beautiful the area was, while looking a spotted a small stream.

'Do you think that stream leads to Deepmont' I shouted to Amanda

'Probably' she shouted back

I turned Titan to follow the stream towards Deepmont.

- - -

After three hours of flying both we and the dragons were exhausted, I quickly checked the map and saw we were hovering over Deepmont. I returned the map to the bag and sure enough I saw the huge river next to a cliff.

'This is it' I shouted to both Amanda and Drake

'Should we go down?' Drake asked

'Yes' Amanda responded.

We flew Down lower and saw a man slowly backing towards the cliff edge, and three huge men closing in on him.

'What happening' Amanda shouted to me

'I don't know' I shouted back 'lets go check'

We swooped down on our dragons and the men took one look at us and fled. We landed near the man that was getting pushed off the edge.

'We aren't going to hurt you' Amanda said in a soothing tone

'What is you name?' Drake asked 'and who were those people

'My name is Dylon and those men wanted to kill me, you saved me' I jumped of Titan and Dylon ran up to me and hugged me.

'Thank you' he said with gratitude

'Its ok, but why were they trying to kill you' I asked as he let go of me.

'I witnessed them kill my friend' He said with great sadness

'Who?' I questioned

'My friend Hamish' he said finally

Authors Note:

Sorry I haven't updated in a while

I have been busy and I will update

Hopefully more often.😄

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