A day to remember

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A few hours later Jake met me back in the cave along with Jockram and Lance. Jake looked at me and smiled, I guess he sensed that I was nervous or on edge. 

"sir, we have prepared our cavalry for the battle" Jockram chimed in. Lance echoed Jockram

"As have I" He responded

"Good, well what about the catapults and mobile medic units, there is going to be a huge amount of possible carnage here so we need to be prepared" I addressed the group. There was a sense of reception in the room. I continued "I'm also going to need for some of your strongest soldiers to carry the catapults into a good position to barrage the enemy. I will go prepare my dragon for battle and you can go get all the final preparation done. I want all the troops mobilised and ready to fight at a moments notice " I dismissed the respective generals and left the room. Jake followed after me and grabbed my shoulder

"You made the right call" He added. That made me feel better about sending hundreds of lives into a battle with uncertain results. I didn't say anything, truly I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I wanted to go get Titan battle ready before the bloodshed began.

"Do you know where they put Titan?" I asked. He nodded

"When you were knocked out, we went and tied him up with the others, I've been and fed him a few times" I thanked him and began walking towards the dragon stalls. Sure enough my dragon was waiting there. The moment he saw me he shot up and sat in his place, eagerly awaiting to be reunited with his master. I walked over and placed a hand on his snout, rubbing it. The texture was comforting. I remembered why I loved my dragon so much. I strolled over to the nearby armour for the dragons and fitted it to Titan. He was more relaxed now that I was with him again, and so was I. I placed my assorted weapons in the holsters on the saddle. My katanas on my back, I donned my armour. I placed a bow in the weapons holster with many arrows and explosives. Amanda sneaked up behind me. She placed a hand on my shoulder

"I wanted to come see you before the battle" She began "I don't know how It will turn out and I'm going to have my hands full until its over" She bowed her head.

"Hey hey" I reassured her "Nothing is going to go wrong" She nodded, but it wasn't confident.

"I wanted you to have this" She reached into her leather bag and produced a small symbol on a silver chain. "This is the symbol our leaders wore into battle traditionally" It featured a dragon head and two arrows dissecting each other. I bowed my head and she placed the talisman over my neck, a feeling of being honoured surged through me.

"I'm not going to say goodbye because we will see each other again" She said with such certainty. After that she hugged me and walked away without looking back. I turned back to Titan and sighed. I patted him one more time before leaving. This time my trip was headed towards the armoury. I walked into the makeshift wooden shelter, pieces of torn cloth holding the roof together, or whatever was left of the roof. We were never ment to be here for a long time. They had done the best they could have with what ever they had. I strolled over to the armour section of the hut, found a light chainmail chest piece and donned it. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a thick, gold plated breast plate. I picked it up and felt that It was seemingly weightless. That was exactly what I needed. Too much weight and I wouldn't be able to fight efficiently. I got one of the attendees to help me clip it to myself. It was slightly tight but It would do. Before leaving, Cody grabbed my arm. It was unexpected to see him.

"Cody!" I said with joy, the last time I had seen him was back before we had left "What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I don't strike you as the fighting type do I" He responded jokingly 

"Not particularly" I smiled back, continuing the banter. 

"I nearly forgot" He said excitedly and walked to the back of the armoury, beckoning me to follow him. We arrived at the back of the armoury, where the wall was only the stone cliff where the hut was positioned. He bent down and pulled a large sword of a mantle piece. It seemed strange to have such a seemingly regal sword in the mist of total anarchy. Cody turned towards me, holding the sword out in two hands.

"Rowan told me to give this to you, its a tradition for our commanders to use this sword in battle" He placed in my hands. Today was full of informal formalities. I was speechless. I pulled the longsword out of its sheith. 

"Its magnificent!" I exclaimed. The stainless steel blade glinting in the dim light.

"It's name is meyilneir" He told me. "It has been used for centuries since it was forged by one of the elder dragon flames. It is unbreakable" I raised it up, it must have been the longest sword I have ever set my eyes upon. It touched the ceiling and effortlessly cut through the roof fabric. 

"Use it with honour" Cody told me on a final note. He walked out. As I was walking out of the armoury I picked up a spartan helmet. I had walked out and away around 100 feet before I heard a small whistle. I impatiently trained my eyes towards the sky and not soon enough. Rocketing towards our camp was a flaming ball of stone. I ran as fast as I could, before seeing another one flying. Everyone was in panic, time seemed to slow down to a stop. I saw a small canyon or enclave in the rock. I slid my body weight over towards it as soon as I was close enough. I flew across the edge in time to see the projectile land right on top of the armoury. Another in the middle of nowhere. The noise erupted and cracked my eardrums. I pushed myself against the wall. I waited until I was certain that there as no more and whistled for Titan to fly over. He impatiently flew over and I jumped onto his saddle. He rocketed up towards the sky. I flew over the camp and saw that the soldiers had already lined up again after panicing. I landed so I could deliver a speech.

"Sorry I don't have anything inspiring to say, but we need to win this battle so they dont kill everyone at the camp" Everyone nodded and cheered. This was happening.

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