The fight begins

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I did a loop with the remaining dragons, that hadn't been shot down ,to go for our final bombing. The explosion had definitely made the tower unstable so this time we were using fire bombs. A invention made by Cody, the fire bomb would act like a huge burst of fire, it wouldn't damage the building structure because it was made of stone, no wood. The fire would kill most of the archers on the level but won't bring down the building. The grenade is the same size and shape of a average grenade except it had large holes splattered on the surface where the fire would spurt out and consume its victims. There was only 10 left of the original 20 raiders, the others had been shot down by archers.
"Do a loop and throw some fire grenades! I shouted to the remaining raiders
They all nodded in agreement and followed me as I did another loop. The tower was coming in range and so were the archers. Many of the archers were still stunned from our previous bombing but there was about three or more remaining archers still shooting. We weren't close enough for them to hit us unless they were lucky. As we got closer I decided not to take my chances again . Before I left Amanda put a sheild on the side of Titan, I insisted not to but she said you never know. I detached the sheild from the side me bought it up to my head level. I felt an arrow whiz past my head narrowly missing me. More arrows came flying past, some hitting a rider behind me sending him towards the ground. Was this all worth it? I asked myself, so much death for only two boys. I shook the thought of and decided I needed to focus on the task at hand. The tower was only a 50 feet away now and we were closing fast, I pulled the pin and threw the fire grenade as we passed but I had flown to close, the grenade exploded and consumed the archers but also him my arm. The flesh on my arm crackled and popped and I felt the stinging pain shoot up my arm. I let go of titans reigns and accidently slipped of Titans saddle, falling towards the ground. I reached out and grabbed at the air in a despite attempt to stop my imminent death. Luckly titan wasn't flying to high, we were around 20 feet in the air so I probably at death height but it still hurt immensely. On impact I felt all the wind knocked out of me. I felt the ash and dirt on the ground rubbing against my burned arm but I couldn't scream. after my fall everything was a blur. I don't remember much except for some people running past me, the battle was in full swing. As far as I could tell I had been laying on the ground for around an hour, I felt someone shaking my arm and opened my eyes, everything was still quite blurry. I was amanda and she was holding some type of small ceramic bottle. She didn't say anything but I think she was in shock, her face and arms were covered in blood and her face was blank. 

"amanda" I managed to heave out. She seemed to snap out of her trance and looked me in the eyes, her stare piecing my soul.

"what happened?!" she shouted at me. I couldn't really say much because it hurt, I managed to heave out

"fell" She looked at me and forced a smile while softly shaking her head.

" I told you to be more carefully" she told me while uncapping the bottle "here, drink this, it will taste bad but you will feel better soon" she poured the green liquid into my mouth, I have never tasted anything as bad as that.

"ugh, whats in that!" I coughed

"best you don't know, I.... I have to go sorry, there's other people that need the medics" she began to leave but i grabbed her hand

"whats going on?" I asked, my head started to feel better

"the battle is going alright" she said with a uneasy tone "they had reinforcements and no one has been able to get in the tower, the are guarding it with heaps of demons" 

"damit" I said aloud "do we have a new plan?" I asked

She sighed "no" after the answer she stood and ran to some other people. I began to stand, my head wasn't feeling as dizzy anymore. I got to my feet in time to see the crazy demon rider galloping towards me, sword in hand. I drew my katanas and got into a battle stance but he had power and speed on his side. His massive sword slammed by duel blades out of my hands. A powerful kick with his massive leg slammed me to the ground. He strolled over to me, letting his sword drag along the ground. I tried to get up but he pushed me back down with his foot.

"where are you going jacky boy?" he asked in a sinister tone

"get off me you freak" I shouted 

He moved his face closer and I saw his eyes through the chared mask 

"aw, thats no way to treat your host now is it? after all you are having a good time here aren't you?"

 I spat in his face. He raised his sword and before killing me he whispered "nighty night" seconds before the blade connected with my head drake swopped past on mercury, his dragon surrounded my his legion of fighters. He jumped of mercury mid air and stabbed a knife directly into the demon riders head. The rider went limp and drake slammed his body to the ground. I looked at Drake in awe.

"dude, That was bad ASS!" I shouted

"thanks man" he said through a massive grin.

"where have you been?" he asked "you missed all the fun parts!" That reminded me

"oh yeah, sorry, I got knocked of my dragon because of this massive burn I got" I went to show him what I ment but there was nothing there where the burn used to be, just a hole in my shirt. It must have been that stuff Amanda gave me.

"sureeeee" drake taunted " you just went and took a nap"

"ok but seriously" I changed the tone in my voice "what's been going on"

Drake scratched his head "after you guys did the bombing of the tower, They had a massive group of demon reinforcements. not just in the sky. they rushed out and nearly overwhelmed us. Just when we thought the battle was lost we herd this massive rumbling" an explosion interrupted the conversation "anyway, we heard the massive rumbling and the ground started to shake, and then a huge group of centaurs and cyclops's just appered from the canyon where the ground troops came in!"

"hold on a sec" I told him " you mean horse men and giant guys with one eyes!"

Drake was smiling now "yeah dude! I mean at first we thought they were here to kill us but they helped us with the battle, turns out centaurs are really good at shooting down demons!" as if right on que a centaur galloped past us, arrow notched and ready to fire. He saw a demon in the sky causing havock, took aim, pulled the string and let loose the arrow. The arrow flew through the air as if in slow motion and hit the demon right between the eye.

"What did I tell you!" drake shouted in glee while clasping his hands on my sholder.

"how did they know? who told them? how did they get here!?" I asked, more questions circling in my head.

"come with me" drake said, putting his hand on my back he lead me towards the bottom of the cliff where amanda set up camp. Right on time titan landed next to me and gave me a huge lick. I patted him and Jumped on, following Drake down to the bottom. We landed and I followed him into a cave.

Drake turned to face me "we found this a day ago" he told me "we have been using it as a command centure"

"wait a second, a day ago!" Drake nodded "how long was I out for?" 

"at least a day" drake responded. 

"wow I must have missed alot" I said while shaking my head. How could that happen, Im there for the boring bits but out for all the action. Drake lead me though a dimly lit tunnel. Dust came from the roof every time there was an explosion. The roof was extremely high and the tunnels very wide which seemed strange to me. He stopped at the entrance to the command centre and gestured in. Now I understood why the tunnels were so big. Right in front of me stood a seven foot tall centaur and a 11 Foot Cyclops.

They both turned to face me, surprise on their faces.

"ah our leader has finally decided to join us" the Centaur said.

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