Weaponing up

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Chapter 4

He grabbed a nearby hose and sprayed the inside of the cabin while slowly approaching it until he was almost touching the flames. 

"Hey, you should probably slow down because you could get burnt" I said slowly with a non-subtle hint of caution

"Kid, I know what I am dealing with, you made this mess now give me space to clean it up" he said in an agitated tone. He was really annoying me, there was a small voice coming from the inside of the cabin. It was robotic and it was saying a phrase over and over, it sounded like it was saying self-destruct. Then as soon as I realised I heard a beep beep beep coming from inside. I tackled Rowan to the ground as the cabin was swallowed by fire.The building exploded in a huge puff of fire and Dubree. I looked up and saw the building was now only a memory. Nothing more then an extremely damaged frame for what was once there.

"Woah" I said as I got of Rowan. He quickly got up and pushed me of and thanked me for helping him. He looked upset but he shook the look of sadness of his face. He grabbed me by the shoulder and passive aggressively nudged me out of the way. 

"Follow me" He said shortly. I struggled to keep up with Rowan as he took huge strides due to his figure. I suddenly got to see Rowan and study his figure. He wasn't wearing anything exciting but he had a massively built figure. His face was untidy and it looked like he didn't even try to shave. His arms were unintentionally flexing and his veins were bulging from his arms. He was definitely the type of guy to be at the gym 24/7. Although I wasn't sure this place even had a gym. He lead me to a rusty and ancient looking shed. It looked like a large outpost in the most random place.  

The door creaked as we walked in, sunlight illuminated the outpost. The outpost was painted a vomit green colour, in the corner of the shed was some large shelves that spread across back of the largest wall. 

"This  is the weapons room" Rowan while stretching out his arms as in to display the weapons they had in the storeroom. Sure enough sprawled across the shelves was a large range of tools used to cause harm to other living things. Swords, spears and other devices the looked liked they caused unimaginable pain and injury to the thing they came into contact with. Although they all seemed to be old though, like you would more likely die due to the vast amounts of diseases that the rusty blades possessed. 

"Why did you take me here?" I questioned him. Rowan turned and responded

"You have already gotten into life-threatening peril within your first few hours of being here, I figured that you would need to be well protected"

"Well thankyou.. I guess" I didn't know how to respond to this. I knew that he was mad about the hospital but I wasn't sure that he was completely sincere. 

Rowan , pushed aside some gold katanas and daggers. Behind these magnificent, yet old blades was a leaver riddled with cobwebs. The shelves on the wall started to fold up as the wall collapsed and a set of stairs was produced. It slowly lead down a corridor in which the lights slowly began to light up, luminating the seemingly underused passage way. I could only speculate what lied at the end.

Rowan went first, because truthfully, I was scared. Walking down the stairs was the short part, because the corridor lead on forever . Finally, after what seemed like an eternity I saw the end of the corridor.

"This place can be used as a safe section of the camp incase of emergency" Rowan explained "But we want to make sure that no-one can acess the huge arenal we have"

"May I ask what is at the end of the corridor?" I spoke up

"There is a small arrangment of weapons there, enough to equip an army"

"Wait there's more weapons? What type of operation are you running here?" I asked

He turned around and looked at me. I got to fully examine the contour of his face. 

He had brown hair and a few random freckles on his face. He walked over to the end of the large, concrete room and examined the large range of assorted weapons. There was bows, Arrows, Massive swords and spears that were long enough to be used by Olympic pole vaulters.

"There is more" Rowan said while walking away down another corridor. The place looked like an Egyptian temple, the walls had the same giant sandstone blocks that they used in their underground tombs for the pharaohs. It set the feeling. I felt unsafe down here, like something bad was going to happen. Something about the lack of light, weapons and the strange way Rowan was acting. I don't even know him and I decided to go down possible 100feet underground. Again I found myself following Rowan down yet another huge corridor. At the end he gestured for me to go first into the room. This room was far better then first. There was at least ten glass cases featuring some magnificent armour and the weapons here looked like they were cleaned daily.

"This is the armour room" Rowan explained " We actually have an express elevator down here so we can suit up when needed but this is the scenic route"

I continued looking around and saw some more glass cases. Although these ones looked far bigger than the previous ones.

"What are these for?" I asked Rowan

"When we need to put armour on dragons, but we haven't had to for a long time"

"How old is this place?" I asked

"We don't really know, Its been here before I was here, It was probably built by the ancestors from way back then" He was inturpted by a massive roar from which the source was unknown.Somewhere down the corridor we had just came out of we heard a huge roar.

"What was that" I asked, my hairs on my neck began to stand on end.

"Im not sure, theres only one way to find out" Rowan said, I think he ment it heroicly although it came off as stupid and idotic.

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