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How you sleep


Sylar was someone who liked his space when sleeping. The two of you would each have your own opposite side of the bed, but something like your legs crossed together would keep you two intertwined. Or sometimes you'd hold hands.


Peter was a cuddly sleeper. So we're you He's wrap his arms around you, your head on his chest. Two of your legs would be crossed together, your hands holding each other. One at his side, one arm wrapped underneath him. Sometimes it would get too warm, but it was nice to have each other.


Hiro liked to cross his right arm with your left arm. Your hands would be tightly held by the other persons hand. Your arms were crossed, faces turned to each other. That way when you woke up, you could kiss. No matter how gross morning breath is.


Mohinder likes sleeping close, not quite cuddling, but not away. Your shoulders would be pressed together, arms too. That way, both of you could move in your sleep and not wake the other up.

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