Peter Petrelli

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**This was requested by @MElizabethQueen Hope you enjoy! Sorry it's short I just like short and sweet ones. Anyway, enjoy! Kinda a sad one but kinda not at the same time, possible trigger warning for injuries. I know it bothers some people, so if it bothers you, I recommend not reading**

Your older brothers could be so annoyingly over protective. Peter, who was actually your twin, was only ten minutes older but he would never let you forget it. Nathan was thirteen years older than you two, leaving both of you to be the 'oops' child.

All you wanted to do what go on a date with your boyfriend. He was a nice guy and you had been dating or about a year, you were sixteen after all. His name was Riley, you couldn't get over how his name sounded childish in a way but the man himself was very handsome.

"For God's sake Peter, it's no big deal. It's just a date, a very simple date." You insist, frustratingly sighing. Peter pouted slightly in protest, taking your jacket off as you try to put it on.

"I just have a bad.. feeling.." Peter muttered, looking down at your jacket. He almost looked scared for you, trembling slightly.

"I. Will. Be. Fine." You snap, completely frustrated right now. You snatched your jacket back and put it on, storming out of the house frustrated. Peter always got like this when you went out with your boyfriend. You knew he didn't like him but that was just a whole new low.

But, tonight, Peter was correct to be worried. You woke up to a ringing in your ears, your vision blurred. Blue and red lights flashed around you, white spots dancing in your eyes. The ringing wouldn't stop, but muffled you could hear yelling.

"Y/N?!" You hear someone shout, this was clear as day. You moan in pain, trying to move your feet. You were able to but not without bad pain. None of this seemed real at the moment, it was all a dream.

You gathered your senses, pushing yourself as hard as you possibly could. You crawled out the window, glass stabbing into your skin. Blood oozed slowly from the cuts, tears forming in your eyes. You got up and ran, running as fast as your injured legs could take you.

You couldn't feel much pain, your adrenaline levels were too high for pain to process. Nothing could stop you now, the paramedics seemed to be unaware you were making your way away from the scene. Riley was being carefully taken out from the car, his eyes staring wide and open. You knew for sure at that moment that he was dead, gone forever.

Greif and your adrenaline kept you going and kept you going strong. You made it to a familiar waterfall in the woods, a place where you, Peter, and all your friends had built a tree house. You hadn't been there in a few years, dust and dirt kicking into your cuts.

Miraculously, your phone still worked. The screen had been spider-web cracked, but it was still functional. "Peter?" You gasp, realizing how bad your throat really hurt. Blood dribbled down your lips, your throat bleeding from cuts inside of it.

"Y/N? What happened? What did Riley do?" Peter questioned, rustling being heard in the background. He was getting medical supplies and a could blankets, he knew this couldn't be good.

"Car crash.. It was an accident.. Peter he's dead.. Riley is dead.." You mumble, your lip quivering as you said the last part. You still couldn't process the accident had even happened, let alone your boyfriend was dead.

"Y/N, calm. Where are you?" Peter asked, concern filling his voice. You heard a door close over the phone, recognizing the sound of a four wheeler being started up. Neither you or Peter had cars, so your transportation was as far as a four wheeler could take you.

"Treehouse." You say, the reception cutting out. Your phone had died, the battery being drained from the crash. You screamed, throwing your phone across the treehouse.

Peter came as soon as he could, which was only about five minutes. He crawled up, helping dress wounds as you cried in pain and grief. When he finished, he hugged you close and rocked you gently back and forth. You didn't even need to thank him, he just knew. Having him being born first was always a burden, but today it felt good to be the weak small one.  

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