Chapter 22

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Nadir's POV
I stood waiting for someone to open the door, this is it, I'm ready. I'll tell her everything. I'm sure she'll say yes, like have you looked at me? I'm perfect aren't I. I shivered at the thought of rejection and patiently waited. When I heard footsteps coming to the door I made sure I had everything. Flowers? check. Food? check. Ring? check. Crazy cat? check. I turned back down and that's when I noticed. Crazy cat, not check. A rumbling sound came from the door.

Sophia's POV
The doorbell rang again. For the hundredth time but I'm sure it's not him. I lazily got up. Mom was headed to open it, but I stopped her.

"I'll get it!" I smiled at her.

"Alright, Sweety." She chuckled at me.

I tried to open the door but I forgot to open the latch. I opened the door and there was absolutely no one there. Although I did notice a car opposite of my house, it looked similar to Nadir's. You dream way too much Sophia, do you really think he likes you. Just because he said it when he was sedated in the hospital?

I shook the thoughts away, sighed and closed the door.

"Who was there at the door?" My mum called out to me from the kitchen.

"Oh, nobody." I answered.

I dragged myself to the living room and plopped down onto the sofa. I mean how rude Can a person be, he hasn't even called me, like not even once. He's so ugly. I hate him. Don't be stupid, he looks like a fallen angel from heaven and you love him more than yourself.

I hate my heart too. I sulked and turned on the TV to watch Finding Nemo.

Nadir's POV
I jumped and hid behind the bushes on the front porch. Thank God she didn't find me. She looked gorgeous though! Oh, I'm crazy for her aren't I?

I jogged to my car and took out Simba from his crate. He was about to swipe me but I turned my head before he could with my ninja skills. Not the face cat, not the face.

I carried him and all the things back to the house. It would be even better if I surprise her. She's going to run to me and we're going to live happily ever after. Quit dreaming Nadir.

I opened the door to the back porch and walked right in. Who keeps the key right under the flower pot when every movie has the exact same trick.

I walked into the kitchen and saw aunty cooking. She got startled when she saw me but she relaxed when she realised who it was and she smiled and greeted me to which I replied warmly. I sat with her for five minutes.

"You know, she's been going crazy without you, she doesn't do anything. I know she really loves you and I'm sure you do too. She's been upset ever since she came but she knows deep down that you too love her. She's a silly girl. I hope you can make her happy. Every relationship has its ups and downs and we all have to deal with them. You won't agree with each other every step of the way but communication will be the key to better relations." She said to me whole heartedly, while she let Simba.

I smiled weakly at her. "Where is she?" I asked.

"In the living room." Aunt replied. I nodded at her and walked into the hallway. This is it my boy you either make it or break it. I gave myself a pep talk.

I saw her, curled in the sofa and she was crying. I bet she's watching Finding Nemo again. I shook my head at her. And smiled. My girls right there. She's so near yet so far. I let Simba go and let him find his way to Sophia. She jumped when she saw him.

"Oh my little boo! I've missed you so much!" She cooed at him and she was about to cry since her voice got croaky.

He did the trick didn't he. Just a couple more surprises to go eh?

Maybe I should do like a speech? Yep that's what I'll do.

"We didn't start of at the right note and I know was quite rude to you but it was only because you got hold of my heart and you had captured it since day 1. A day doesn't go by without me thinking about you and this whole year has made me love you so much more. You made me realise all that I lack. I tried to establish a connection with God who gave me you and gave me the chance to find myself again. You have taught me the real meaning of life and made the happiest person alive." I said as I walked out to her. Her eyes were open wide with shock. "You taught me to love you and you made me fall in love with you every day. I've tried my hardest, not to hurt you,  stay as far as I can from you. Can we give this relationship one chance before we decide anything? If this doesn't work out between us you can go far away from me and never turn back and even look. I will respect any decision of yours." My vision was blurry at the thought of losing her.

Sophia sat shocked in front of me and she had tears in her eyes. I wish I could wipe them away forever.

"Please don't cry!" I croaked out. "Please don't, I'm done hurting you for whatever reason."

She buried her head in her knees and was crying. I kneeled in front of her and raised her head and wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"I don't want to see you hurt anymore. Please say something, Sophia!"

"How do I know that you won't hurt me again? How can I trust you again?" Sophia asked weakly.

"Trust me, this one last time. I'm sorry for all the times I've hurt you." I placed the food and flowers on the coffee table and opened the box with the ring in it. I took it out and looked intently at her.

"I promise I'll never hurt you ever again and will help you through every step of life and always communicate all the problems of the future. Show me your hand for a second." She weakly gave her hand to me doubtfully. I held it and slid the ring into her finger. "This is to promise you the best I can provide to you in the future and love you for as long as I am alive." I kissed her hand and sat there looking at her.

She looked at the ring with tears in her eyes. "It's really very beautiful!" She exclaimed with her voice creaking.

She then hugged me. Did I expect that? No. Do I mind it? Absolutely not.

I hugged her back, and held her as close as I could to myself. I'll never let her go.

"Do you want to come home now?" She nodded her head while I smiled widely at her. Simba circled around her legs. I hugged her again and kissed her on her forehead. Simba then hissed at me.

"She's mine cat. Back off." Sophia shook at her head at us and went to freshen up and packed to leave. I sat waiting for her. I was smiling the widest I have my entire life.

I am very content with life right now. I wouldn't have it any other way.




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