The Workout

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A/N So this is my first smut fic ever! Please be kind... It's a Criminal Minds fanfic but it's not necessary for you to watch it.

It was kind of fun to write a scene in a kind of strange place so if you have a prompt where they do it anywhere except for the bed, please tell me:D


The Workout

It was 6 pm when the team arrived back from a case in Arizona. All of them were exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep for the rest of their lives. However, they had too much paperwork to do that they couldn't just leave for tomorrow.

The latest case had dealt with a man who'd gone on a killing spree just because he couldn't get a real date. It had all ended well after five days of intense searching. The killer had been too smart to try and shoot himself out of it. Instead, they had made a quiet arrest on the 34 year old who still lived with his mother.

Spencer Reid was the first one to finish his report and gather his things to go home after leaving it in Hotch's office.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Reid mumbled and made his way out through the glass doors.

"Next time we should give him our reports too," Derek sighed.

"Eh, you can handle it," Emily said, looking up from her own report. "You're a big boy."

"Of course I am," he said, winking at Emily.

Emily huffed, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Not big enough," Emily said, teasingly, but at the same time trying to lead their banter in another direction. "I bet I could take you."

Derek chuckled. "You wish! All these workouts aren't for nothin'"

Emily shook her head, scribbling something down on her report. "Not enough, Derek Morgan, not enough."

"You wanna test that theory?" Derek asked, seriously.

"I kind of have a date with my bed. He's waiting for me," Emily said, tapping the pen on her desk.

"You just know you're gonna lose," Derek said and Emily narrowed her eyes. "So after we're done with our reports, let's head to the gym and I'll show you that no girl can take on Derek Morgan."

"I'd listen to him, Em," JJ chimed in.

The two other agents had almost forgotten that they weren't alone in the bullpen. Both of them turned to her, Derek with a proud smile on his face that only made Emily more determined.

"You're on!" she said, looking back down to her papers so she could finish it as quick as possible.

JJ chuckled, and slammed her report shut. "As fun as it sounds to see who's the stronger between you two, I have a family to go home to. See you in the morning."

With that, JJ turned in her paperwork before disappearing out the door.

That left only Derek and Emily in the bullpen, both putting all their focus back on their reports so they could finish as quick as possible.

Emily finished first and hurried up to Hotch's office. He accepted her report and wished her a nice evening. Nearly five minutes later, Derek tossed his in and the pair was ready to head to the gym.

They split up into the different dressing rooms where they took their gym clothes from their locker. Neither one of them could feel the fatigue burning through their body anymore. Right now they were only focused on not losing. They hated to lose, a fact that made this wrestling game a whole lot worse.

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