Chapter 6

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The way Derek had acted last night had given Emily a very sleepless night. She just couldn't get herself to relax. He had just fucked her ass and left as if nothing even happened. She had never seen that side of him and frankly, it scared her. Of course she had known he'd been a player so maybe that's all she was to him. Another one of his many girls.

Emily tried to shake of her thoughts as she turned the corner.

Today at work hadn't been any better. He had practically ignored her except for when he discretely smacked her ass or when he pushed her up against the wall outside the bathroom and told her he wanted to fuck her right then and there. At the time Emily's mind screamed Do it, but when she thought about it she didn't like it at all.

Her legs started to carry her faster towards the park. As soon as she came home she had thrown her clothes off and put on her running gear. She just needed some time to clear her mind and running always worked. Or usually. Right now it did nothing to calm her anxiety.

She needed to have a talk with JJ too. When she had said out loud that she knew about Derek and Emily's relationship, if that's what you can call it, the cat had gotten Emily's tongue. She hadn't been able to say anything. Then the rest of the day had been deadly quiet. Maybe she could arrange a girl's night in tomorrow and talk to JJ, explain their relationship a little better. Emily would love to say that Derek and her weren't acting like horny teens, that this was so much more, but then she reminded herself that it was only sex. There would be no more. Both she and Derek had showed that opinion.

Halfway through the park, Emily stopped to catch her breath. Wow, she had run faster than she realized. Her pulse was going crazy and she put her hands on her knees to try to get it down and to breathe normally again. This side of the park was empty this time of the evening, 10.30 pm her clock had said when she left.

Since she knew no one was around, she jumped out of her skin when someone put a hand on her bent back and she had all the intention in the world to fight whoever it was, but as she stood up straight, that goofy grin stopped her from doing anything.

"Geez, are you stalking me now?" Emily asked, very bothered by his presence. This run was supposed to take her as far away from him as possible.

"Of course not, princess, can't a guy be out running? I saw you back there and decided to follow you. Man, you ran fast," Derek chuckled.

"I realized that," Emily sighed, still trying to catch her breath.

Derek took a look around the empty park and then stopped at her firm backside. Emily could feel where his eyes were and instead of hanging on to her previous feeling of being used she couldn't help the tingling feeling in her core.

"Anyways, I'm gonna continue now. See you," Emily said and took off, but she could soon hear someone coming along.

"Hey, let's run together then. It's better with some company," Morgan stated as he ran next to her.

"If you can keep up with me," Emily said, starting to sprint faster.

"That's okay, I like my view from behind you."

Emily could hear the grin on his face and stopped abruptly. "What did you say?" she asked, stepping deadly close to him.

"You know what I said," he said as he moved a strand of hair behind her ear.

Emily sighed and leaned into his hand. Slowly he leaned forward and captured her lips, moving his hands lightly up and down her sides. She moaned into the kiss, but pulled away when his hand made its way under her shirt.

"We can't do that here," Emily said.

"Why not? We've done it in the gym, the car, the jet and the bullpen, of course we can do it in a park," Derek said, placing kisses along her jaw.

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