Chapter 8

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Emily could definitely get used to this, waking up in Derek Morgan's strong arms. They hadn't cuddled like this before or woken up together in the early morning. Everything just felt right, like this was the way it should always be. A smile played on her lips as she nuzzled closer to Derek's side. His chuckle told her that he was also in fact awake.

"What's so funny?" she asked, followed by a content sigh as Derek pulled her closer, their naked bodies melting together.

"You... This..." Derek smiled and glanced down at her as she turned her head to meet his eyes.

"How is this funny?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I was just thinking that I'm not used to seeing you like this... This comfortable and cuddly," Derek told her.

"Well, I can leave," she said, pulling away from him, only to be stopped by Derek grabbing her arm.

"You get your cute, naked butt back into the bed! I didn't say I didn't like it," Derek pulled on her arm and she fell back against him.

She looked at him through her long eyelashes and leaned closer to place her lips on his, throwing one leg over his thighs. Derek responded to her kiss by opening his mouth slightly and moving his tongue over her lips until she parted them. His tongue slid into her mouth and the kiss deepened. Emily pushed herself closer to Derek, the heat spreading through her body. To Emily's disappointment Derek pulled away from the kiss.

"If we continue this we're gonna be late for work," Derek commented.

Emily sighed as she pulled her leg back, knowing he was right. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. They had two hours and both of them needed to shower. Plus it would take them about 30 minutes to go there. With a smirk Emily's fingertips started drawing patterns on Derek's chest.

"Then join me in the shower," she asked him, looking at him with puppy eyes to get what she wanted.

"No," Derek said.

Emily wasn't able to hide the surprise in her face. "No?" she repeated.

"I'm cutting you off from now on. You said you wanted to date me and that means no sex until at least the third date. When Derek Morgan is serious about someone he will take it slow."

Emily pouted, but she did understand where he was coming from. Maybe no sex wouldn't be that bad now after everything they had gone through to get to this point. Sitting up with her back facing Derek, she said, "So when's our first date?"

"What do you say about tonight at 9 pm? I'll pick you up and we'll go to a restaurant or something?" Derek suggested, his eyes roaming up and down Emily's body when she stood up. "As for now, I should probably go home so I can get a change of clothes."

Emily looked back to her partner, not caring that she was naked and what it would do to Derek. "That's probably a good idea. I'm gonna hit the shower now. See you at the office!"

Turning around, she didn't see Derek's stunned expression. He shook his head as the bathroom door closed behind the brunette and got out of bed. His clothes were still downstairs so he left the bedroom quickly and ascended the stairs. As he gathered his clothes he got dressed and without telling Emily he left the apartment.


Arriving to work ten minutes before she was supposed to be there, Emily put down her bag under her desk and walked over to the break room. She was pretty exhausted from the lack of sleep, but it was nothing some coffee couldn't solve. Reid was already standing there, pouring some sugar in his coffee. He turned to her as she started to fill her own cup.

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