Reason 8

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YOU are only given ONE chance at life as yourself, so might as well show it all you've got and enjoy it to the fullest!

don't mind the haters, honestly they really are either jealous of you or it's because they're just desperate for attention.

you are you and nobody should bring you down because you're acting the way you want to act. take this one chance and do whatever you want without regrets! i know you might be sick of hearing this but you only live once, so just go for it and be confident with whatever you choose to do.

don't waste something beautiful such as life that's been given to you. treasure it and take it to your advantage!

we love you and we will support you in any way possible, never believe that being someone you're not is right. it's not, being yourself and loving who you are is the first step to opening yourself to others ♡

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