Reason 16

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You are not alone in this world. There is someone, somewhere who loves you, who cares about your well being, who wants to be with you, who wants to make sure you're okay. 

You don't have that now? You will find someone who does. 

What the hell am I saying? We love you, we care about your well being, we are with you, we want to make sure you're okay. 

All of the people who don't? Why do you care about them, if they do not  return the feeling?! 

You do not need assholes in your life. Even though we're here, I know you can survive without us as well. You don't need anyone. I know because you are you. You are a strong person, I know that because you have made it this far, right? You really think that all of the shit will last forever? You're wrong. It doesn't. I'm aware because I have to deal with dickheads, so does my sister, my brother, all of the other admins; everyone does. Unfortunately there are too many assholes in this world but, the good people always end up on top of the world! 

Don't give up because of what some asshole said to you! Don't give up because that person said you weren't skinny/built enough. Fuck whatever anyone else thinks!  

The only opinion that should matter to you is your own. 

So please never stop fighting! Don't give up after all your effort so far! You've done absolutely amazing and I know you will do even better! Every single one of us is here to talk, so take the chance! We love you!

Remember talking helps! Stay strong, voice your thoughts and never keep quiet!

Stay safe and we love you! 💗

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