Reason 19

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Strength is not how built you are and how many weights you can lift, strength is being able to speak, able to be free.

We are here to assist you and help you find your own inner strength.

Think of this shitty part of your life as a challenge, a simple one at that. We know that you're doing well because you fight like the warrior we know you are!

You are fucking amazing, you hear me?

You are not weak!

You are not worthless!

You are not a nuisance to anyone!

You are strong!

You are full of worth!

You are our friend! We love you!

No one said life was gonna be easy but you wouldn't have been put into this world if you couldn't handle it.

"You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it!"

Live by that!

Life is tough?

So are you! Fight fire with fire and show all your demons that you will never listen to them!

You are never, ever alone!

Speak up!

Be loud!

Have confidence!

And don't ever feel like you can't talk to us! Each and everyone of us admins are people who go through shit as well, we won't judge you!

We are just like you!

We are Human.

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