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"I am not a human being living a spiritual life; I am a spiritual being living a human life." ~Unknown author.

This is a quote I found online in 2007 and it told me so much about myself that it stopped me from breathing as I stared at it. I was working in the corporate world at the time and wanted to find positive affirmations for myself to read at work because I was in such a tense and negative environment at the time. Never did I realize that these small two sentences were going to make me understand things about myself I had long known but never really truly put together.

Now don't get me wrong, I've known I was different than practically everyone I ever knew since I was about the age of 10 or 11. But it's one thing to have bits and pieces of things surrounding you every day of your life one way or another and putting actual names to them and such. When I was growing up and where, I didn't know about people like Chip Coffey, James van Praagh, John Zaffis, Lorraine and Ed Warren, and so forth. I didn't know that I had gifts with names until much, much later.

The ironic thing was that I didn't know a lot of things but I trusted my instincts that told me that if I had heat coming out of my hands then that must mean, I can use it to make my mom feel better if she had a headache. Would that constitute me being a healer? Yes, yes it would. How else could I explain my hands being warm almost on command or without it really? How else could I warm myself up when I was truly cold?

Every child knows when people are talking about them behind their backs, but what about not just knowing it, but understanding it to the point of reading lips or being able to see the dislike in the person's very soul? How could I possibly know what a person was feeling and that all of their dislike or negative energy as I learned its name later, was directed at me? When I was bullied as a child, I didn't understand that those very kids were scared of me and even jealous. But all I sensed was the dislike because I was different. The empath within me, started to develop back before I knew much of anything really.

My first encounter with a negative entity was when I was in elementary school and it was in the apartment we lived in at the time. We had brought masks with us from the USSR when we moved and up until about the 4th grade, one hung in my room and I never thought anything of it. It seemed funny, but something seemed to take hold of that mask and turn the room into a dense space that one could cut with a knife. I couldn't sleep at night because I always felt, it was watching me. This story will be told in full in the first few pages of the book.

But that would be the first time, I was aware that this world; our world...wasn't the only one. I just knew it. I couldn't explain it or give it name. But it was at that time that my sensitivity to spiritual worlds started to awaken into where I was aware of it. I wasn't just a scared little kid afraid of the dark or sleeping alone...later on in life I remembered a time where I was maybe 3 years old and we were back in the USSR and I had to sleep in the living room and something about the curtains were foreboding at night. But what could a 3 year old in 1986 know?

This book of short stories or rather experiences of my life as a sensitive, healer, and empath will take you along with me on a journey to discover just how much I know about myself, as I try to recall when it all started, when did my soul awaken and tell me that I was on my last life. When did I realize I saw every single day through my 3rd or mind's eye. There's simply too much to introduce so I will simply say welcome and I hope that this journey isn't just mine to take but yours along with me.

                                                                                                                                                                                  ~Olga Pinsky

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