the day "fuck you" all began

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It was a beautiful day. But shit went down hill for patrice. Every one was saying "what a beautiful day" but patrice was saying "fuck you". Patrice believes that for every person having a wonderful day there has to be someone have the worst fucking day ever, it was that day for patrice. You might be wondering what in the goddamn world happened to fucking patrice?? Well it lemme tell you.

Patrice woke up to her alarm clock going off and the neighbors dog barking, it was a sunny day. Patrice got dressed and ready for work. When patrice was in the shower she got a shit bunch of shampoo in her goddamn eye, that was fuck up #1 of the day. Next when patrice got dressed the clothes she wanted to wear were fucking dirty, so she had to wear some other shity clothes she wasn't in the mood for. Patrice was looking forward to a banana but no, all the damn bananas had gone bad and she was running out of time before work started. She then found a taxi and made her way to work. When she got to work everyone was super chipper and shit and patrice thought she could turn this bad day around but then someone ate her motherfucking yogurt she was looking forward to so it probably couldn't get worse. She angrly sits at her desk and does the work her co-worker frank was supposed to do but he took a "sick day" because his fucking wife was going through labor but that was no excuses for being sick, what the fuck was he thinking thought patrice.

Patrice had been waiting for her fellow co-worker Ben to ask her out but something must be wrong with him because patrice has been waiting for ever goddamn, she keeps reminding herself the time will come. Ben was at the printer and patrice thought maybe her boss needed a copy of a paper for some fucking reason so she went over there. "HI Ben" patrice said trying her best not to loose her shit and curse him out for not asking her out "oh hi patrice" Ben said saying her name kinda as a question like he forgot it. "Beautiful day uh?" Asked patrice lying today was shit "uh yeah I guess, its  kinda hard to know when you're stuck in a office building" Ben said "oh yeah I guess you're right" patrice laughed  (fake laugh) "so what are your weekend plans? Anything exciting?" Patrice said trying to get the Conversation going a bit more "uh I guess I had plans to go the work party  and stuff on Saturday, why? Do you know anyone who would want to go with me?" Ben asked "no" patrice said and left, how could he be so rude thought patrice she was literally saying 'ask me out, ask me to go with you' but he didn't get the fucking signal. 'Oh well' thought patrice she'll go by herself then.

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