patrice gets shook

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after finding that out patrice was shocked but not upset, she was happy for them but she was unsure about this whole thing. after 3 glasses of wine patrice thought it was time to go home to her cats "no no no bitch you must stay, its time for charades and you neeed it girl" calvin said to her. she thought why not and joined in. 

the night was almost over and patrice was on her 9th glass of wine, and she had a moment. a moment where she realized that she may have just met these people but they were her bestfriends, she never really had friends but these were them. a moment were she realized she was drunk at a party, that was never the case because patrice never leaves her house. a moment were she realized this was her life and her mom cant tell her to leave the house anymore because she was this kinda woman now. (A.N damn patrice you just went out once chill bitch smh) her head was wildin out about how she was a wild woman now and nothing could stop her. 

the party was dying down but patrice didnt want to go home yet, it was her calvin and his boyfrind and 2 other guys she just met named lloyd and eddie. calvin asked her about her love life and patrice died of laughter, she knew her love life was drama full enough to tell them " its crazy" she said lloyd and eddie both looked at each other "theres this guy at work right?" patrice says drunkly "hes prob in love with me" she said trying to 'stay young' "i try to get him to ask me out but i think hes too shy" she said laughing calvin and his boyfriend eric laugh along because her laugh sounds like a alpacka fucking a horse. "you should ask him out" eddie said " no what the fuck you eddie you should wait for him to ask you out while you drop hints" eric said back to eddie making calvin drunk laugh "no i think your a lesbo" lloyd said "wait what" patrice said making sure he was joking, she never thought of that before. " yeah i agree with lloyd" calvin said making patrice even more fucked up " you need to get out there and see what you really need sweaty" patrices mind was racing, was she? she chugged a bottle of wine to get that off her mind. 

the party was over and when  she got home she wrote down in her planner next to the "feed cats while watching steve harvey" she wrote "' go out and and see what i really need sweaty'" she she decided it was patrice time and this patrice time she needed to find out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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