patrice finds her soulmate ???

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it was another beautiful day and yet again, patrice was not having it. patrice thought she should go to the park and take a walk, i mean it is her day off of work. it was a little chilly out so she grabbed her jacket and her hat and left her little ratchet ass of a home. once she got to the park she realized she forgot her notebook for when she goes people watching and writes the storys about people down. she quickly ran her forgetful sorry ass home and get her notebook titled "patrices people watching book, keep out" what a hoe. once she got there she sat down on a bench next to a person. she looked up at the person and to her it was love at first sight, most of the time the person who she sits next to is a creep or a preggers fat lady, patrice did not fucking like that. the man she was sitting next to looked about her age maybe a tad bit younger, patrice likes her men younger. patrice thought 'forget people watching, i will write a letter to my sister about this man' patrice forget her phone at home, its not like she knew how to work it anyways. "dear amy, i am sitting next to the most beautiful man ever, its love at first stight. let me describe him to you, i like my men like i like my coffee, black af. lmao that was rude but hes that beautiful. gotta go, im going to give him my myspace !!!" she wrote. she sat there hoping he would notice her as she read the storys in her book, she didnt actually read them it was all about looking cute. its been 1 min and nothing happend ! she thought she had to take matters into her own hands. "um hello my name is patrice" she said trying to look cute "uhh hi" he said smiling but looking back at his book, "what are you reading?" she asked, "the fault in our stars" he said "oh ive never heard of that, what did you say your name was" she asked more questions "um i didnt but its calvin, and how have you never heard of this book?" calvin asked lowkey offended "calvin thats a cute name, my brother named his cat balvin lmao, and i only read romances" she asked while knowing her flitting game was strong as fuck. " this is a romance though patrice" calvin said laughing on the inside, " omg i love romances can i read too? read to me" she asked thinkging she was cute calvin was taken back a little, this crazy lady is asking me to read to her ? what the fuck. "sure but i have to go in 1 hour" hes said, he was bored, might as well. calvin started to read to her and she sat there, she planned at being cute and not really listening but the story got her and she forgot about flirtting. she was into it. calvin was also having fun making her laugh her ratchet fucked up cackle. but it was coming around the time calvin had to go, "i have to go but we should totally hang out" he said and gave her his number "yeah i would love that ahaha im always free so" she said  "great ill text you when im free and my address" patrice was so ready. the next day he texted her and she send her sent her letter to her sister. the text said to meet at his house for dinner and games and  hes having some other people over too. when she came calvin interoducte her to his boyfriend and patrices face was fucking priceless 

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