patrice enjoys a Sunday

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It was a Sunday fucking morning when Patrice woke up, she had been up late last night reading fanfiction and what not. Patrice was so tired. Patrice got up and fed her cats and made herself some tea and sat down at her super fucking messy table with her cats. She read the news paper and saw that someone had won the lottery, and it wasn't her. Patrice entered the lottery a lot and never once has this bitch won. She was pretty mad. Patrice then remembered some of the lady's from work asked her if she wanted to go to the mall with them, and she said sure. Patrice only said yes because she felt like she fucking had to or whatever. Patrice wasn't really looking forward to going but as her mom said when she called the other night "fucking go out, get out of your goddamn apartment" so she thought she should go.   (A.N. the lady's from work asked her bc she has no friends and needs a mother fucking life)    she got dressed, she had no time to take a shower. Patrice said she would meet up with them at the mall in the food court. Patrice got on the goddamn bus and went to the mall. Once she got to the food court she waited for what felt like a fucking year. ( A.N. it was like 5mins ) she saw them near panda express and went over to them. There was four of them, Julia, Kimberly, pam, and carla. The five of them said hello and went to some stores. Patrice found some cat outfits and wanted to get them, she remembered she had a coupon. But when she went to check out the guy said her coupon was expired. Patrice was fucking pissed. Patrice was so mother fucking pissed she had it, she went home.

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