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 The next day, Tsai rushed into the library, holding the backpack which belonged to Kim Namjoon. She would end up missing her math class for this, but she desperately needed the things were inside that backpack, like her womanly things and her notes and study guides.

Tsai stood in front of the library, looking to see if anyone else there was holding a bag similar to hers. However, she seemed to be the only person in the library aside from the librarian that sat in behind the front desk.

I'm screwed, Tsai thought, as she sighed and looked at the ceiling in frustration.


Tsai damn near fell onto the ground when she heard a familiar voice behind her. She caught her breath before turning, seeing the same boy from yesterday looking at her with soft eyes. 

Today, he was wearing this red cardigan over a white T-Shirt, while sporting light blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. Tsai was surprised with his wide array of color for his clothing. He didn't look like a goth kid like he did yesterday.

"Hello," Tsai said back, moving the hair on her face behind her ear.

"Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday," Namjoon apologized, "I wasn't in the mood to study anymore so I just left and I didn't check the bag before I left. I didn't touch anything in there, I swear, I'm really sorry."

Listening to Namjoon's voice was something like a dream to Tsai. She expected his voice to be deep and harsh and gross since she knew that he smoked, but his voice was deep and angelic and something that made her ears happy when he talked. She would never admit it, but Tsai truly loved his voice more than anything.

"No, really, it's okay," Tsai promised, "it's not a big deal at all, don't worry about it." 

Tsai slowly reaches out for her bag while Namjoon reaches out for his, the two of them mumbling apologies until they're finally holding their own backpacks in their hands. Namjoon has a tint of red across his cheeks as he looks at the ground, and Tsai has the same, mostly because she's clumsy and weird and she realized that every time Namjoon comes to her, she trips or gets scared.

"U-Uh, can I ask you a question? Just one?" Tsai asked randomly, looking up to Namjoon (who was a giant compared to Tsai's 5'2 height). 

Namjoon's eyebrow raised, but he nodded, letting Tsai know she could ask him whatever she wanted. Namjoon didn't really get questions or anything considering people tended to avoid him, so he invited conversations about anything with anyone.

Tsai pointed to Namjoon's bag. "Which is your major, literature or philosophy? When I was looking for your name in the bag, I saw literature textbooks and philosophy notes. I couldn't tell." 

Namjoon smiled, "I'm actually a math major, but I have a big interest for philosophy, so it's my minor. The literature is just an elective."

Tsai's heart raced when she saw Namjoon's smile. His eyes smiled too, and her body was on flames. She was positive she wasn't interested in him, but he had a really nice smile that made her smile (which she didn't do often).

"I'm a psychology major, but even I know that axiology is the philosophical study of value, and not reality," Tsai smirked. Namjoon's eyes widened, as Tsai began to explain axiology in detail to him.

"Axiology is about ethics, political theory, and aesthetics, not mind or religion. I think you had metaphysics and axiology messed up with one another. Axiology revolves around beauty and morality, and justice," Tsai explained to him. "I think that it's my favorite sub-discipline of philosophy."

"You don't normally hear of people interested in philosophy being psychology majors," Namjoon chuckled, "I'm honestly impressed. Did you go through all my notes yesterday when you had my bag?"

"Just the first set," Tsai blushed, "I was truly interested in what you thought, like for example, your thoughts on ontology and religion. We seem to have similar beliefs in things."

Namjoon throws his bag onto the near by table before putting his hands on his hips, his tongue out to wet his lips a little. "I honestly had no idea my bag would be taken by a woman with strong beliefs in metaphysics and axiology. There's not many out there with a love for it."

"It's just something I think about from time to time, you know? I always wondered about stuff, so I ended up studying about it while in high school," Tsai grinned. 

"Then, tell me," Namjoon asked, "what are your thoughts on the soulmate tattoos? How do you think they form? Do you think soulmates always end up being the perfect mate?"

"They're called soulmates for a reason, Namjoon," Tsai chuckled, "these are people that are meant to be for one another. The universe knew that there was nobody else meant for them. There's no way there can be someone el-"

"But what if you're straight? Lesbian? Gay?" Namjoon pointed out, "What if the person you wanted as your soulmate was your enemy? Or a threat to the human race?"

"You can't just change your soulmate, Namjoon," Tsai rolled her eyes, "that's the person meant for you. If you're gay or lesbian, you can have a platonic relationship or something. You're promised, you're made for one another. If you find out your soulmate is someone like Hitler, then shit, get the damn tattoo removed." 

Namjoon laughed out loud at what Tsai said, Tsai following as well. She's never made someone laugh hard like Namjoon did. He even forgot for a moment that he was in a library.

"I never got your name," Namjoon mentioned, "I didn't exactly search through your entire backpack like you did with my own."

"It's Tsai, Tsai Kubo," Tsai stuck her hand out for Namjoon to shake, "I'm from Japan."

Namjoon's eyes widened at her words. "Japan? Your skin is ver- please forgive me for saying this - but it's really tan," he said, "I assumed you were Thai or Filipino." 

"My mother is black," Tsai chuckled, "my father is Japanese. I look Asian until it comes to my skin tone, huh?" 

"Yeah," Namjoon blushed, finally shaking Tsai's hand, "I'm also from out of the country, by the way. I'm Korean, actually."

"It's a beautiful place," Tsai smiled, "I loved it there. I spent a year there." 

"So, you speak Korean?" 

"It's functional, I'd rather speak in Chinese or English, or Japanese."

Namjoon awed at the fact he was in front of such an intelligent person. People usually avoided talking to him because of his intellectual talks and discussions and rants about philosophy. To find someone to talk to him for more than three minutes about philosophy and listen to someone talk about philosophy instead of him doing the talking was like a dream.

"Hey," Namjoon blurted, "this is going to seem really sudden, but would you like to maybe get some coffee tomorrow morning? I'd like to get to know you if you don't mind, Tsai."

Fuck yes, Tsai thought.

"Yeah, do you want to exchange numbers?" Tsai asked. "I mean, if you don't it's fine with me b-"

Namjoon took Tsai's phone and gave her his, before they both typed in their numbers in each other's phone. 

"I'll meet you at the coffee shop outside of campus, the one called Costa, or something like that," Namjoon tried to recall, "meet me at nine?"

"Yeah, I'll be there," Tsai smiled, "see you tomorrow."

Tsai put her backpack on and walked out of the library, stopping when she realized something. 

She turned, already seeing Namjoon running up to her, a smile stretched against his face as he laughed. Tsai laughed too, most because she realized that her and Namjoon are actually two clumsy idiots.

Namjoon stood in front of Tsai and giggled a little more before speaking.

"Here's your phone.

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