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Two weeks have passed and Taehyung and Tsai's relationship has only gotten stronger. The two of them go out together more, whether it's eating at a restaurant or just going to see the city. In fact, Taehyung started putting some money aside in an account so he could save up and take Tsai where she wanted. 

They also kiss each other more.

A lot more.

Tsai would be studying in her dorm, trying to catch up on some work, and Taehyung would walk in, grinning really big and holding her in his arms so he could kiss her plump lips. He would maneuver them onto her bed, and spent just ten lazy, dizzying minutes making out with one another. Her lips would be swollen and moist when they finished, and Taehyung would always mutter, "I didn't know your lips could get any bigger."

Taehyung likes to think of them as a couple, while Tsai does not. Taehyung never made it official with her, or mentioned that he wanted to be with her. Sure, he kissed her and took her out and treated her sweetly, but she wanted a title. She wanted to make sure that when someone asked their anniversary, she wouldn't have to look at them and say, "I'm not sure, sometime in December or January, I think?"

Tonight, Taehyung arranged their date. Lately, Tsai had been talking about eating some sushi, so Taehyung decided that they would walk to that sushi bar once she had finished her exam. By the way that she always smiled when she ate, sushi and Tsai were connected at an emotional level. It brought her joy, and it made Taehyung so happy to see her happy. 

"Hold my hand," Taehyung said, as they left the dorm complex and walked towards the busy road, "and walk on the inside of the sidewalk."

Tsai sighed, but complied, lacing her small fingers in between his larger ones. Secretly, she wanted to look him in the eye and tell him she liked pet names, like she would if she was talking to Namjoon.


She didn't speak to him much anymore, not because they avoided each other, but because Taehyung had told her not to speak to him. He wasn't trying to be a demanding person, but every time he and Namjoon spoke about her, Namjoon's heart would ache and his stomach would turn and Taehyung honestly got tired of it quickly. Besides, it was better if they didn't speak anyways, it would give Namjoon time to move on. 

Taehyung was forgiving when it came to Namjoon's crush on Tsai, a little too forgiving. He knew, though, that Namjoon and her weren't meant to be anyways, so he doesn't bother. Taehyung also knew that Tsai and him weren't made for one another either, but he wanted to spend this moment with her and cherish her before it was too late. 

"You're so quiet," Tsai mumbled to Taehyung, "what's on your mind?"

"Nothing," Taehyung answers, "what's on yours?"

"Why won't you make it official with me?"

Taehyung glanced at Tsai with a surprised look. "That was a little bold, don't you think?"

"I'm Tsai Kubo, bold is practically my middle name," she replied.

Taehyung took a deep breath, crossing the street with her hand still in his. "I don't want to give us a title because I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of what's coming," Taehyung replies a little too quickly. "One day, one of us is going to find our soulmate, and this will end. Believe me when I say that I like you, I really do, but I don't see the point in making it official when in the end, there's someone better out there for both of us." 

Tsai doesn't say a word, only listens to Taehyung's breathing and the sound of the busy cars around them. She can't say anything, because she knows that Taehyung is right. However, she likes him too, so much that she really would have liked if just for this short time, they both said they were each other's.

"You belong to me, I belong to you."

"Fucking Kim Namjoon," Tsai suddenly blurted, causing Taehyung to stop in front of the sushi building's entrance door. 

"Excuse me?" Taehyung asked.


Taehyung giggled and opened the door, allowing Tsai to go in first. He follows, looking at the waitress ready to give them a table to sit at.

He and Tsai sit near the largest window, so Tsai could look at all the passing cars. Taehyung realized a while ago that Tsai had an addiction to cars and other vehicles, but he still doesn't know why. He doesn't question it, though, only watches cars with her while they wait for their waiter to come back.

"Hello, I'm Jungkook. Today, I'll be taking your orders. We have a special tonight, the California sushi roll, which only comes during this month. Would you like to try it?" 

Taehyung finally turns his head away from the window and looks into the boy's eyes. He's seen him before around campus, probably when he was racing from class to class and to find Tsai. The boy has dark brown hair and light brown contacts, and he wore a long sleeve black shirt and grey joggers underneath his apron.

"Yes," Tsai answered when she realized that Taehyung was distracted, "we'll take it. It sounds nice."

"Alright, and any drinks?" 

"I'll take lemonade, Taehyung?" Tsai nudged Taehyung's arm, and he blinks twice, before stating he just wants a water. 

"I'll be right back with your food and drinks," Jungkook smiled, before turning away and leaving. 

Tsai looks at Taehyung, her lips in a thin line. "Did you know him?"

"Uh, yeah," Taehyung half-lied, "kind of. I see him a lot on campus. I didn't think I'd see him here, was I staring?"

"Yeah, really hard," Tsai laughed.

Honestly, Taehyung felt a strange vibe when he looked at the man. He felt a sense of familiarity, like he knew Jungkook in a much closer sense. Were they friends at one point? Did they take a class together in high school? Impossible, Taehyung was living in Korea.

Jungkook returned, a tray of food in one hand and a tray of drinks in another. He placed the food tray down gently, but the drink tray shakes a little, Taehyung's water tipping over and spilling onto the table. Jungkook gasped, while Tsai quickly moved aside. Taehyung, was again, distracted watching the man.

"Where the hell have I seen him?" Taehyung thought, "How the hell do I not remember him? Who is he?" 

"I'm so sorry," Jungkook apologized, rolling up his sleeve, and pulling out napkins from his apron, "I'll get you a refill."

Taehyung nodded, saying it was okay, glancing at the boy's arm. He stared for a moment, before yelping loudly in the restaurant and catching everyone's attention. His eyes are wild and wide, and Tsai's heart beats unbelievably fast as she watches him look from between the man and her.

"I-I-I need to go use the restroom," Taehyung stammered, before getting up and running. Tsai can't say a word at first, and neither can Jungkook, but after Jungkook finishes cleaning, she apologizes and thanks him for the food.

Taehyung stared into the mirror, running his fingers through his hair as he tries to breathe and calm down. He saw what he saw, and his "fake" girlfriend was sitting at the table wondering if he's gone mad. He gulps and tries to blink the forming tears away, but he can't.

The waiter, Jungkook, was his soulmate.

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