Part {1}

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It was that day. That first day when we met, when I started to question your smile. Since you didn't have any reason for it. Why did you show it? Why was it on your face all the time? Just.. Why?

Another night of extra practicing with Hinata. The guy who always wore a smile. Never ever did I see him with a sad, angry or depressed face. Not the way that he would actually be suffering. It bothered me.. So much. And I don't even know why.

"Kageyamaaaaa!!! Gimme a toss!! A toss!!" Hinata shouted happily bouncing up and down in front of me. "Yeah, yeah" I responded as I took a ball and tossed it to him. He spiked it perfectly as always. And as he landed on hes feet he once again looked at his palm happily.

At these times his smile was as big as ever and it kinda made me happy. But sometimes I catch him forcing a smile. Though it's really hard for me to notice that, since he always smiles, and his fake smile is also really trustworthy. It just looks so real. As if he was actually smiling from the bottom of his heart but the truth is that he wasn't.

After a few hours we finished our extra practice and headed home together. "Hey, Hinata" I called him before we parted ways to our own homes. "Yesss?? What is it Kageyama?" He asked with a huge smile on his face. "Tomorrow morning five am. You wanna practice more?" I asked hoping for a yes since I already knew that I couldn't sleep and that I wouldn't have anything to do. "Suuuureee! See ya then!" He said as he started to bike towards his home.

I went straight to my room and started doing my homework, but gave up right at the start because they were way too hard. I started going to bed and as I brushed my teeth I was only thinking about the next day and the time that I would spend in the morning with Hinata. And as I was laying in bed I only thought of how much I loved him and how much it hurt me to see him force a smile.

In the morning I got out of bed at four o'clock and went to pack my school stuff and also my training stuff. I went out to wait Hinata but he was already there. "Hi!" He said and smiled brightly. But.. No wait. This wasn't the usual smile he gave me. This was a forced one.

//okay so I decided to write in english now cause I just felt like it :pp but anyway sorry for the sloppy and reallyyyy short start xD please tell ur thoughts 'bout this start in the comments :33 This was really short but the next part will be longer :pp

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