Part {9}

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Hinata pov

It's been a few days after the talk with Kageyamas mom and I still have no idea how to help Kageyama or how to even get him to talk to me.

Kageyama has been going to practice but he doesn't seem to be able to play well. He makes more mistakes than usual and our attacks haven't been so great. It's like he's hurt or something. Really I have no idea.

Now I'm at home in my room and soon it would be time for dinner. I was thinking that maybe I should go and talk to Kageyama again. I could ask him if he's injured or something since he's not playing so well. But then again I don't want to bother him with my questions.

In the end I decided to go and ask him anyway. I knocked on his door and when I heard him hum an answer I opened the door and went in.

"Hey Kageyama! Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked smiling. He turned to look at me a little annoyed. He was reading some kind of a volleyball magazine. At least he looked a lot better. He didn't have dark circles anymore and seemed well rested.

"What is it this time?" He asked turning to face me. I think I've been asking too many questions lately but I guess theres no other way to get him to speak up.

"I was just wondering if maybe you were injured or something. You haven't been playing so we- I MEAN YOU PLAY GOOD BUT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY BETTER!!" That was a close one.. He didn't seem surprised about my question. Actually it seems like he was waiting for me to ask this question.

"No I'm not" he said turning back to read his magazine. He seemed calm but cold. Well at least I tried. "Dinner is ready!!" I sighed and left Kageyamas room.

"Mmm it smells nice!!" I said happily and sat down. "That's spaghetti and here's the sauce. Hope you like it!!" Mom said and sat down too. She's not my real mom but she insisted that I call her "mom" anyway.

I tried to keep a conversation going but soon gave up since Kageyama was pretty gloomy and didn't seem to want to talk at all. After a while mom broke the silence "So Kageyama. Have you finished packing yet?" She asked.

What packing? Was Kageyama going somewhere?? "Almost" he answered. Why hasn't anyone told me anything? "Uh if I may ask.. Where are you going?" I was really confused. If he were going somewhere he should at least tell me.

"I'm spending the weekend at my dads place" Kageyama said and stood up. He thanked for the food and left. "I told him to tell you" mom sighed. "You haven't met his dad have you?" She continued.

I didn't even notice that his dad wasn't around. I'm pretty stupid. "No I haven't. Is he nice?" Pfft that's like the stupidest thing to ask. I hope I didn't sound rude. "Well he was nice but he kept getting into trouble" she said getting up and starting to clean the table.

"Oh. Is that why you got a divorce?" I wasn't sure if they were divorced or not but she didn't have a ring and why else would they not be living together. "No not noly that. He was a nice and handsome man but after sometime he started to fool around. Also he could be pretty aggressive sometimes. I actually got scared of him"

Pfft now I know where Kageyamas aggressiveness comes from. "Now he's gotten better. He's not so aggressive anymore and he came to beg to see his son a few years ago. I said I'll send him when I feel like it's okay for him to go. Now he goes there at least once a week" she continued and I nodded as a response.

I never knew he had been visiting his father. I guess he doesn't spend the night every week so I just haven't noticed. "Has he been spending the night there every weekend?" I wanted to know when he actually has been visiting his dad. It's pretty weird that I haven't noticed anything.

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