Part {2}

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"Hi..!" I responded quickly. Why is he forcing a smile anyway? I thought as we started to head towards the school. "Um.. Hinata are you okay?" I asked looking down on the ground. "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine!" He shouted again... Happily. It annoyed me.

Why did he lie?
Why is he forcing a smile?
He doesn't have to do that!

"Hinata you do know that you don't have to lie to me. Right?" I asked hoping for the truth. "What do ya mean kageyama-kun. You're so weird" he said laughing. I knew that I wouldn't get anything out of him. I already knew he was in pain. But why doesn't he share it.

We went to the court and made everything ready so we could start practicing. "Kageyama! Kageyama! Can ya gimme a toss?!" Hinata asked throwing a ball at me. "No" I answered coldly. "Wha-.. But whyyy" Hinata complained "Today we're going to practice receiving" I threw the ball at Hinata so he could receive it but instead it hit his face.

He wasn't concentrating. At all. "Ouch ouch ouch" he complained "Would you please concentrate!" I shouted at him. "Sorryyyyy" he said begging for mercy. "Give me the ball" he threw the ball to me and I threw it right back. This time he received it but not as good as he could.

"Can you please toss to me" he asked again ugh what's wrong with this child.

"I already said no. Look at how bad you're receiving" I said almost giving up and just tossing to him. "Come onnn please jsut once" he nagged. "Fine!" I gave up and tossed to him but he missed it. He looked at his hand terrified of what just happened. "What the hell!? Can you at least concentrate on the only toss I'm gonna give you if you're not gonna tell me what's wrong!"

I shouted. I got really mad. "Oh.. It's nothing. How could I miss that" he chuckled and smiled. What is this?! "Hinata! Stop! Stop fucking lying to my face!!" I grabbed his shirt and lifted him up a litle

"Kageyama calm down! I'm saying I'm fine really!" I've had it. I threw him at the floor and regretted it right after doing it. "Tch!" I left really mad and banged the door bihind me. "Hey Kageyama! How ya doing?!" Noya and Asahi we're coming to practice. I walked right past them and headed to the dressing room "What's with him" I heard Asahi ask Noya. "Dunno" Noya answered.

"FUCK!!" I was really mad I hit the wall and just shouted "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!! Why did he do that! I can see right trough him and he still acts!! With that stupid smile of his! What the hell!!?


Does he see through me?
What if he does?
I don't want him to ruin all my effort!
I've been doing this for years!
It can't get ruined just cause Kageyama see's through me, right?
If he doesn't bother me then it should be fine, right?

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch.." he used way too much power. "Hinata what happened?!!" Noya-san asked running to me. "Ugh.. Nothing just a small fight" I said adding a smile and rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

"Small fight you say?! He walked out looking like a serial killer! How hard did he throw you anyway?!" Noya panicked a little "S-should we take you to the nurses office??" Asahi asked really worried. "No I'm fine" I said smiling and getting up from the floor.

"Ouch..!?" My back hurt a lot. I could stand up but moving hurt. "A-are you sure you're okay?!" Asahi asked panicking "Yes yes" I answered. Daichi and Suga came in with Tanaka. "What happened here?" Suga asked questioning the tough atmosphere.

"Kageyama and Hinata had a fight" Noya answered quickly. "Oh what happened. Why'd they fight?" Daichi asked coming closer. "Dunno" Noya said and went to pic up a ball. "It's nothing really. Can we start practicing?" I asked and made a small fake smile. "Nu-uh Hinata. Your back is really hurting you right? You should rest" Noya said smiling "Awww come onnn" I nagged

"I'll go and check on kageyama" Suga said heading to the doors. "You sure you're okay?" Daichi asked with a fatherly way. "Yessss!" I said smiling. "Let's just start practice, please" Tsukishima said coming in with Yamaguchi.


I can't think straight!
I'm so mad and I don't even know why!
Ughh!! So annoying!!

I sat in the changing room on a bench hands on my knees. I was looking down on the floor. I was so mad and I just tried to calm my self down. "Hey" Suga said coming in. "Can we talk?" He asked sitting down next to me. "What?" I asked trying to sound nice. "What happened in there? Why'd you get so mad at Hinata?"

Can I tell him?
Can I tell him that he's faking it?
Can I tell him that I like him?
Maybe.. I'll just try..

"He's.. Faking it. He's not willing to talk. He's just saying everything's fine. And he isn't concentrating at all!" I explained. "What do you mean. He looks perfectly fine." Suga asked.

Of coarse he wouldn't understand. He doesn't see it. No one see's it. Only I see it. "Nothing just forget it.. I like him, so I don't like the fact that he doesn't talk to me. That's all" I said getting up and leaving.

I went back to the court and took a ball. I threw it to Hinata but Noya went in between the ball and Hinata. "Rolllliiinngggg THUNDER!!" He shouted receiving the ball. "You should know that Hinata can't really do anything now" Noya said mockingly "Whooooo!!! Nice one Noya-senpai!" Hinata shouted and clapped to Noya.

"Everyone I need your attention. We're going to have a training camp next week from friday to sunday. Here give these to your mom or dad and let them fill it" Daichi said giving everyone a piece of paper.

"Also we're staying in groups of two so everyone I've made pairs. Here's the one you'll be sharing a room with. Suga you're with me, Kageyama you're with Hinata...." As I heard that I didn't listen to him anymore. With the situation we we're in now I didn't want to share a room with him. Actually I had mixed feelings.

Omg I get to share a room with him
But we're fighting
And I hate him right now
But omg my heart is beating so fast

These feelings are so annoying

// woow I actually made a long one loll :pp please tell me again your toughts 'bout this story :p

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