Part {6}

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For a few days I and Hinata have been talking about his problems. Now he tells me everything. Good and bad things. He tells me how he's been doing, he tells me about school he tells me about everything, he can think of.

And today he would be coming to my place since the camp ended. My family went for some vacation so we can be alone for awhile.

Today I got out of school earlier than Hinata so I went to get something to eat from the shop next to my house. I bought some snacks and drinks. I would probably then order a pizza or something.

When I got home I put the drinks in the fridge and the snacks on the table. And then I ordered the pizza. When I was done I went to the living room and turned on the tv. There was nothing to watch so I shut down the tv and just sat there.

I thought about Hinata and his problems. Some of them we're really small and meaningless but some we're really serious and I couldn't help wondering how, just how was he able to keep them as a secret and how was he able to make such a real looking fake smile.

I mean how could he even smile.
How could he have fun when these problems were there and they would never go.

I heard a small knock at the door. I walked and opened it. "Heyyy!!' It was Hinata. I greeted him and led him to the living room. "Pizza's fine right?" I asked wondering if he even liked pizza. "Pizza's great!" He answered smiling brightly.

That smile that wasn't fake and that was huge and really bright made my heart melt. It made me so happy. "Come here" I said pulling him to sit between my legs to lay his upper body on mine.

I then turned on the tv "What do you want to watch?" I asked looking for something interesting. "A movie would be nice" he said taking a better position on my lap. I searched and searched and then I finally found a movie.

It was a horror movie so I had to ask if it was okay. Hinata nodded and I let it play. Another knock from the door. "I'll be back. I'll just go get the pizza" I said getting up and heading to the door.

I gave the money and took the pizza and headed to the kitchen to grab some drinks with me. "Here" I said putting the pizza on the table with the drinks. "Thanks Kageyama!" He said smiling. "Oh can you turn off the tv for awhile, my mom is calling" I turned it off and started waiting for him to finish.

"Hi mom!" He said brightly. I couldn't hear what his mom was saying so I tried to just look at Hinatas expressions and listen him talk.

"Wait mom talk slower I can't make any sense of what you're saying" Hinata said. He looked worried really worried. "Wait mom!" What the hell was happening?! "Mom listen to me!!" What was happening?! I saw a tear a small tear fall down Hinatas cheek then another one.

"Mom no! Mom please don't!! Mom!!" He shouted. I wasn't sure what was happening but I think I knew. "Mom no don't leave me!! MOM!!" And as I heard those words I was sure. I was sure of what was happening.

"Mom... Mom? M-mom..?" Tears fell from Hinatas cheeks. He was crying again a lot. I took the phone from Hinata and placed it on the table. I then took him to a hug.

"I-i'm sorry.. Hinata" I said. I was about to cry too. "W-what do I do now... W-what.." He backed off and grabbed my shirt squeezing it in his fists.. crying.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. What had happened was horrible. Hinata lifted his head to look at me. "You.. You're.. Crying.." He said in disbelief.

I got shocked. I haven't cried since I don't even know when. He wiped my tear from my cheek and smiled. "I havent seen you crying. It kinda makes me happy since you're showing your real emotions" He chuckled.

"Makes you happy? Are you sure you don't have some mentall illness?" I asked joking he giggled and then started crying a little. "I'm sorry.. For causing you so much trouble.." He said. "You are not causing me any trouble. I want to help you cause I love you. Okay?" He nodded.

I then pulled him to a kiss. He seemed quite surprised about it. I kissed him long. I wanted him to be mine. I wanted to touch him all over.

I bit his lip a little and he then opened his mouth. I started to explore his mouth again and I pushed him to lay under me on the sofa. I grabbed his right had with my left and squeezed it a little. I continued kissing him and then I heard a small moan escape his mouth. And that night was probably the best night I've had in my whole life.

In the morning Hinata explained better what happened and he said that his mom killed her self in the hospital so there wasn't any need to call the police.

I then treated him as good as I could so that he would feel loved and so he could relax. And I guess it worked quite well. We had lots of fun. My mom then came home while Hinata was sleeping.

I told her what was going on and she agreed to take Hinata to live with us. I was really happy about that and my mom was really happy too. Things continued really well. My mom and Hinata got along really well. And I and Hinata.. We got even closer than what we were. Everything was good. But then my stress kept growing and growing.

What's this..
I feel like I'm really stressed...
I feel like....
I don't know how to describe it
It's just like...
I feel like..

Am I really good enough?

// and that is the end for this partt :pp hope ya enjoyed :p

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