Part {5}

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"Hinata. Hinata Wake up" I heard a voice. It was the voice I liked a lot, Kageyamas. "Hng.. W-what" I muttered opening my eyes slowly. "We should get going" Kageyama said he was sitting next to me on the bed.

"Okay" I said tiredly. "By the way Hinata" I got up to sit on the bed and looked at Kageyama. He had a little pinkish cheeks and he wasn't looking at me. "Yeah?" I asked as I felt my cheeks heating up too.

"So.. um... 'bout yesterday... um so I like you, ya know... that way.. and I was thinking that.. maybe-" I didn't let him finnish. I didn't have to listen anymore. I knew what he was going to say so I put my finger on his lips.

"Yeah I do. I like you too so yes" I said. I smiled brightly too. Kageyama was happy too. "Great" he said coming closer to me. He put his hand on my cheek. And came closer.

"Hey you guys. Are you coming?" Kageyama froze. "I need to change we're coming right away!" I shouted. "'Kay be fast or Daichi will get really mad" it was Suga. "'Kay" I said.

Kageyama dropped his head from in front of me face to look at the bed his hand still on my cheek. I patted his head, changed my clothes and went to head to the inside court Kageyama following me.

"Sorry we're late" I said as we got to the court. "Yeah sorry" Kageyama said after. "What took you so long? Sure you we're getting ready?" Oikawa said mockingly raising a brow.. Iwaizumi was right next to him.

"Ohoho?" Bokuto and Kuroo came next to him. "Yeah and what exactly we're you doing with Hajime, Oikawa?" Akaashi showed up. "Oooh burnnn" Bokuto and Kuroo shouted. "Great this is gonna turn into a dumbass club" Kageyama said.

He looked awfully tired. Maybe he was thinking 'bout the confession all night. Poor him. "Evryone gather up!" Daichi said all of the teams following the order.

"Okay so this camp will be controlled by the captains so all captains we are having a meeting in the night after practice" Daichi said continuing right after. "And so today we will only have some matches so get ready" Daichi then gave us the team we're going to play and so we started.


So now he's mine right?
He's my boyfriend.. Right?
I can have him..

I was really tired after the practice. I took a shower and went to mine and Hinatas room. Hinata was already there. He was just sitting. What was really weird.

"Hey Kageyama" he said. Oh yeah he was probably thinking how to tell me what was wrong. "So you wanna talk?" I asked going to sit on the edge of my bed. "Y-yeah" He said.

He was sitting the same way as yesterday. "Oh wait I'll go lock the door" I said fast and went to lock it. I sat down again and started listening.

"So um.. How should I say this... There was an.. An accident" Hinata said. I never thought that he would've kept something this big a secret. "What happened?" I asked.

"I myself wasn't in the accident... My mom was riding and Natsu was sleepin in the back seat... She didn't.. She.. She forgot to... Forgot to.." Hinata was trying his best to tell. I could see that. Now he started crying. A lot. There we're many tears running down his cheek over and over again.

I pulled him to a hug and just hugged him. He started crying more and more. I patted his head and tried comforting him. "It's okay Hinata I'm here" I said pulling him close.

"She.. Forgot to use the seatbelt... And.. flew from the backseat through the front window.. She.. She didn't make it.." Hinata was just calming down and after he said that he started crying again. And even more now.

"I'm sorry.. Wh-what 'bout your mom?" I asked fearing the answer. I squeezed Hinata a little more. "She's still in the hospital.. And well she will make it but.. The doctors said that she might not make it... Cause she doesn't looke like... Well she's not mentally that strong so.."

Oh god. He was hiding something like this. But why. Wait.. "Um Hinata... Where have you been staying at?" I asked worryingly.

"Home alone" Hinata said. I stopped hugging him for a second so I could see his face. He looked.. Really sad. As I knew, he was in huge pain. And someone had to help him.

"Hinata. You can't stay alone. I won't allow that. After the camp would you mind me telling my mom about this so that you could stay at my place or something" Hinata looked at me pretty surprised.

"Um.. I don't want to be any trouble" he said again looking down. I wiped his tears from his cheek "Okay so you're staying at my place. Good okay" I said. He wouldn't be any trouble.

Hinata stayed quiet as new tears started to roll down his cheeks. I wiped them and put my hand on his cheek pulling him to a kiss. I kissed him gently again and again and moved my hand to the back of his head.

I bit his lip a little "Can I use my tung?" I asked continuing the kiss right after and biting his lip again. He nodded slowly and opened his mouth. I started to explore his mouth with my tung. He picked up a fight and I won it easily.

"Hey you guys I bought the schedule for the camp open the door please" Daichis voice came from the door. He knocked the door again "Hey you guys" he said knocking again.

I pulled back from Hinata "Y-yeah coming" I went to open the door and took the schedule. "'Anks" I said quickly and shut the door. "Sorry 'bout that" I said feeling my cheeks heat up a little. "N-no problem.." he answered.

I looked at the schedule. We would first have swimming and then more volleyball practice. Then free time.

I went to sit next to Hinata. And took his hand. "I will always be here for you. No matter what. So please from no on tell me all your problems" I said softly. "Yeah" he answered. I hugged him again.

"We should go to sleep" I said and got up to change my clothes. "Hey Kageyama.. Can I sleep next to you?" And again I felt my cheeks heat up. "If you want to" I answered quickly taking my shirt off.

"Um.. Is it okay if I sleep without a shirt.." I asked before going to bed with him. "Yeah it's fine" he answered. I went to lay down next to him. He fell asleep in like two seconds and I too fell asleep quite fast thinking 'bout Hinata.

I love him so much..
I'm glad this is working
God I'm so happy.

// so thats the end of this part :pp wouldn't it be sad if something happened :33 please again tell me your thoughts 'bout this part :p

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