Demi Charmed: Chapter One

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Demi Charmed Chapter One: Breathing

Breathe Demi, just breathe, Demi told herself as she stared at the Victorian-styled house in front of her. It’s just a house, a normal house with people inside—not normal people, but still, people that would have a possibly significant outcome on my life.

The house was…pink. It was still a beautiful house, but the fact that it was pink took Demi off guard. Sure, it was a house originally full of powerful women, the Charmed Ones, but Demi was not expecting the house to be pink-ish. Although, Demi thought, if you looked towards the shade, it could look like a burgundy colored house.

Taking another deep breath, Demi walked up the paved steps to her house, trying to overcome the fact that her legs were slightly shaking. She stood on the front step, made herself breathe again, and then rang the doorbell. Demi could hear voices inside, a few girls and maybe a few guys’ voices. From the corner of her hazel eyes, she could see the curtains in the closest window move slightly.

Oh great, here we go, Demi looked down at her out fit to make sure everything looked good. First impressions are everything, right? Demi was wearing dark denim jeans and an army green button-up shirt with a white tank-top underneath. Her black duffel bag was slung over her left shoulder, making her slant a little. Demi thought she looked good. She just hoped it was good enough to let the Charmed Ones trust her.

A good-looking, guy around the same age as Demi (16 in two weeks) opened the door, and said, “Can I help you?” as he looked her up and down.

“Um,” Demi was nervous, but she had to show confidence here. She pushed a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear. “I think so, is this the Halliwell residence?”

The home of the Charmed Ones, the legendary power of three, the famous demon-killing, innocent-saving witches?

“Yes it is, or at least that’s what the name the mailbox has had on it all my life” the guy crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “And I again ask can I help you?”

Oh great, a smart ass.

“My name is Demi Mansen—“

“Any relation to Charles Manson?”

“I’m Demi M-A-N-S-E-N, I’m not related to any serial killers—that I know of—and I was wondering if I could speak to Ms. Piper, Phoebe Halliwell, and Paige Mathews.”

His dark eyebrows came together. “No!” He scoffed. He attempted to shut the door, but Demi stepped forward.

“Please! I don’t need to talk to all of them, just Ms. Mathews!”

“Chris?” A women’s voice yelled from inside the Halliwell manor. “Who’s at the door?”

“Nobody, Mom,” The rude guy, Chris, yelled back.

“It doesn’t sound like nobody,” A woman walked up to the door. She had long dark hair and a big smile. Her slight wrinkles around the eyes gave away her older age. She had flower on her hands like she had just been cooking. “Can I help you?” She smiled at Demi.

“Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Ms. Mathews,” Demi repeated.

The woman laughed lightheartedly, “Okay, I’ll let her know she has a visitor,” Under her breath she added. “Although I don’t know the last time she went by Ms. Mathews.”

Chris glared at Demi slightly. She grinned smugly at him as the woman let her into the house.

“Can I ask what your business is?” He asked as Demi walked inside the foyer.

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