Demi Charmed: Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Medieval Terrors

“We could always—“


“But it’s the easiest way!”


“Who’s going to know? We can do it really quickly and quietly.”

“I’m—I’m not ready.”

“How do you know you’re not?”

Demi shook her head. “I said no, Chris.”

Chris placed his hand over Demi’s, causing butterflies to scatter around in her stomach. “You’re ready. Trust me. It will be fast and painless.”

Demi bit her lip, she knew better than to look into his emerald eyes, but she did anyway. His eyes were full of understanding and encouragement. How could she say no? “Fine,” She said through her teeth. “We get in, we get out, and then we’re done!”

“Deal,” Chris smirked triumphantly.

The two teenage witches moved to the center of the attic. Chris picked up her hands and held them tightly.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” Demi mumbled.

“Shut up and say the spell,” Chris smiled.

“Great King of the past,

Let me know at last,

Tell me your story,

Of all your former glory.”

Demi opened her eyes and saw that she was in the same dungeon cell that she had originally found Chris in. It was just as dimly light and warm as they had left it. The prisoners that were in there earlier were still chained-up against the wall.

Demi motioned over to the door and Chris followed. The guard was still unconscious on the ground with a new black eye forming. Nothing had changed since they had left.

Chris must have observed the same thing. “We were sent right back to where we were.”

“Since we have the guard taken care of, now what do we do?” Demi asked the Charmed One.

“This way,” Chris grabbed her by her arm and started sprinting down a hall.

The two witches made sharp corners and turns. Chris expertly guided her throughout the castle, until he reached an archway that led to what Demi could only describe as a Medieval Laundromat. People, basically all women, were tossing clothes into giant barrels with steaming water and stirring them around as though it was a cauldron. Some garments hung up to dry while others were being repaired and sown.

“Follow my lead,” Chris said and continued to drag Demi along.

Demi couldn’t say that she liked this, but she couldn’t say that she didn’t like it.

The two eased their way into the room and snuck towards the back. Chris was rifling through piles of clothes, but Demi could not take her eyes off the women. They were so involved in their work that they didn’t even notice the two time-travelers. The women just continued to sew, stir, wash, and sweat. It was hot in here thanks to all of the hot water barrels. It was like a sauna. Now Demi believed that this was a Medieval Sweatshop.

Chris pulled out some sort of clothing for him and tossed a dress in Demi’s direction. He motioned towards the side exit and Demi followed. They sneaked down a hallway and found a vacant room.

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