Demi Charmed:Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Trance

It would be a lie if Demi said that she wasn’t nervous. This could not be a date. It was wrong. It was wrong to take advantage of her stay here. It was wrong to go out on one date with Chris’s brother and almost kiss the brother twice and then go out with Chris. But she wasn’t going out with either of the Halliwell brothers.

The movies turned out to not be very helpful at all. All the movies really focused on the romance and betrayal of the relationships instead of most of the things Demi and Chris could use in the project. Plus, it was awkward because every movie had multiple steamy sex scenes that Demi and Chris just talked through. After movie three of eight, they just started talking through the whole thing. By movie five, they weren’t even watching them anymore.

“Top three things on your bucket list,” Demi asked.

“Okay,” Chris sat and thought. “Harvard is one of them.”


“Why do you sound so surprised?”

“I’m not and I don’t have any doubts that you’ll get in. With school you’re very precise and thorough and quite frankly you are a perfectionist.”

Chris laughed. “Thank you. I don’t even care what I get a degree in; I just want to go to Harvard. Another would be to have a chaos free vacation—it’s never happened for a Charmed One. There’s always a demon running around.”

“Totally understandable,” Demi said as she took a bite of popcorn.

“And the last would be…” Chris thought about this one. “To do something crazy and wild, just because I’m a Charmed One and I have to be ‘good’ and I have to follow the rules.”

Demi nodded.

“Why are you being quiet?”

“I’m just thinking,” Demi said. “And being grateful that I don’t have to fill those shoes; I’m just a witch.”

It was true. Demi was just a regular witch, the “Joe Plumber” of the witches; the average day teenage witch. Demi didn’t have a hundred prophesies about her future like the Charmed Ones do. She was sure that Wyatt and Chris had tons about them because they were the children of the Charmed Ones and that makes them super powerful.

“Lucky,” Chris smiled.

Demi really liked it when he smiled. His green eyes glimmered and it somehow just brightened up the room. The more Demi was getting to know him, the nicer he really was. She liked being around him and she liked being his friend.

“So what is your bucket list?” He asked her.

“Hmm,” Demi thought. “Okay, this is a crazy one; I want to take a vow of silence.”

Chris’s eyes widened and he smirked. “You won’t make it.”

“Shut up!” Demi playfully punched him on the shoulder. “I can! It’s supposed to be spiritually uplifting and a serious internal enlightenment. I think it would be a great experience. I may sound old, but I think it would be amazing to have some great internal epiphany and feel very wise and spiritual.”

Chris nodded but his smirk remained on his face. It was actually pretty cute.

“My other one is to scuba dive and my last one is to write a book. I don’t care if its fiction or nonfiction, I just want to write something.”

Chris nodded again.

“Why are you quiet?” She repeated his words from earlier.

“Because I can picture you doing those things.”

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